15 bde-redy.w A smn W8y 10 inctreas the value of your 4 nhomne, or te sell it qwicldy. is te update your flooting. Hiardwoo-d u.s a popular option, but Iyou may want to consîder a lew alternatives Î dii could be casier on mour pou -keîbo)k- * uFt>l~ornti a budget has corne a long way Tomir tle days of vin> I cushion [oa'r, ' says SRti>-aI I L-Paýge broker (- arlo -1topo 1L here I ur a Mutitaude oi options . aallable Io sut a motdesi budget wtt hout sacnltictng sityle Rcolisuggesas the following optionsý as alternatives to pnicaer haniwood, dependtng upoin your square foowage: 5%* dél mnvsîs. Ms*nnIo X-1ttU * d 4 V.,#f no" - O A MA&rr-itets1878-721 3 OU a - 14 Mania St., MiNou, ON am mt @ oeu1 *Vînyl flooing has been popular wnth homte Iowners [or decades due to nts rrsiliency agaînst scratches andi us economît.al appeal. Modern vantyl tule cati pronnde the illusion of stone or ceramic and cost as lInde as $2 per square (o)t. 2. Cet*. Ce rk boo)n-ng as attractive, durable anti 1(XI per cent rrnewtable A cosa -ellicaent alternative mo hardwood. it is easy on '.our tee andi rela- 1Vdyý sounti-proof 1i Camenvfr If duli gray stooe cornes te mmd wlrn you thînk of coracrete, ink agiai Concme faons art hecomning inxcsing popûla for thcir s-usuinabîlity, Iow maintenance, langeny andi vcrsatîlityv Concrte is easily stamd or paantcd anti cari bc persanalierd to suit pur style. 4. [anibe. Lamtnarc flçoors. hikc vinyl. cati provide dit illusion o! a more luxunous floir but ne far more affor-dable Lanminait is hWgb- oesim te stains, scratches anti gneual wear nd tea. 3. buWwmoeIw" Engmeeoed wood us madie humo meal wood pinvides. t nm no r and Ikashairdwood, but at a fraction of pflo- ht aise exe- km mmi-d conunamai than sn floermng meaem ouneed net brak the batik te your nloom a iacdÎft, Mort mfor- 1s available online ai www COUNTU HOME IN PARK-LIE SETTN»G Upclat.d 3 8.dOOmS + 2 Balirocai + Fulty Finished Basementi Option for Nmnny or In-Iaw suâte. Spectacular Vaews. Acrois froin Escarprnunfl Abonnaw ea - riL w*wwnewscaxadam crnwxio:fan