Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Oct 2013, p. 68

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Datehne Datetine is a fret listing for local non-profit communi>, groups co promote their events for cte camîng week. Akmotesd be emaHedtw Tht déoedre fi nSon drie UMOOiy of thew mk bcfao the woekof the eL 1 #t'g m nais* Idyo Soturdoy Knmh Pet>ufla Churd i nt the flas- tumad»pccwm hahdng mSaisi oPtecNncII 1l4,»e apr.Pae t p flkts amm&b alabet tchmd office a m95 8760M6orflflhacyded Rhudng on Main Sorm aoem thetdiwtc lb. flaon SmNor AcUfrRy Cene 500 ChUS or.. tu" Fâ ditth Mâlon L"iss Cen- nm létMi StES ow78 pnheak l $15 for diure agmd 65 year id oni and $5 forftuagmi 18064>sF. FomiW*ms- - tenes pn.nton 'he %iht Too 1001 bM for kwft heaai et the pa- andi the gudu A slwrpeig durmuiton ks Smo kqu e4 fu meeting tak place t dt Mian temuchdO»0Main St Eut*7pin. Mon Distric Hostal tdds a eme-cat-efa badhg ai wfth a ceirtifiht lécatit corsultant hum noon ta 4 putTo rilbean op- poment calS ARlcks et MM05 878-2383. et. 761« The a. Remy (hé met ai Uhie Conv mnwty Uiving S Hard Ion bard im" 917 Nipiskî Rd. hum &30 ta 8 pirn. Plet arrive a tIS pin For mou làutrUlr cal MS0>878- a0 -FAR C0" "mtf écui 900 Niplsng PU. ks qxn fron 3 tu 6 pa hu ai agm *11 wwnfl*n-u Th ilh n mSeSC PcUa Cn 500 Chtis Di.h lW otfiflG rcam iýi fOcW, hSt- uiaLtralmk 9a.nttanaanCaàcrmm 9 am n. om r Ouplmfled* - m 9:15 amaIonoer'.M CM*ettm Il1 &m.se- Sut1 mM monX 109 pin. Cfrb Cab tram 1 to3prn.kIpfl..Stm 1ASta,3 pmSs-C tnSt h1pfm 1:300a4 pn.# 3 - aire 6cm 13Cmo 4 pin. wmdbbMsWutm 7 ta 9 pmt [ai acftay a $2 kw mentes and $4215 ht nan-mnember For moekdwfom %n cal <905875-1681. -Ocqt-2 Réesiclunts are Iouit atten a quadsl Publi h« isola tram 7:30 to 930 pi. ut the MWI tort Sports Centr Banquet om tm 7:30 ta *30 psn. Tt Towm of Mon and Milan Publi Lflhr'ry want o heur sugestins ho wwnpkg oenwnftky fatkhs, pmogru aid services. For event deulais ac md - irtinutn, *Rs wwwnllonxcamasmuplun or call (M0) 878- 7252, ext2539. The Mita Cmmunty Po"dn commit- m - whlch acts as a liaison between polie, reuidents andi the Town to hep reduce crime - met at 6M0 pan. et the Milaon police station. 490 CNhs Or' Eveyone' wecom. The Mona loe..ar eets tram 730 ta 930 pin. ot th Royal Canadien Legion. 21 ICharles St In the upper hall Pleane arrive a t7:15 pmt Ewuwyne's welcame. Fnr mare ifor- matincal (416) 992-O254orwislwww.miton- ICn Mmr Puast a trie drap-mn progent kwr pns and bables aged six manths aid ICXX« l>urmet et the Ontarlo Eady *mn Cen- nrp 410 Braie St. trm 130 ta 3:30 pmt Cai 895 25400M ex 7M. iMita Distic Homptal holdi a ose-os-an4 bnSbg c whIt a Cerult lactation consumn tram 930 an ta 2 pin. To maite ai appoirnht calii J-SIU es me M90) 8782383, oece 761«t The Milaon Senors ActMvty Centre 5M0 Ch"li Dr,, bolets Khclau rtm 9 ta 11:30 a&m. Caag b trm 9&r. ta rnSmse tapieu from 9 anm to noan 'Dsmws ChStam Ita i arnU lthmnoontco eh.tram 1 t 4 pm.Ukglmpfom 130Io 3:30 pimand ~ il m Pd fromn2:30 t 330 pin. [ach acflv$ty maits $2 for member andi $425 ho non-nmems Bld kui,. runis timr 7:30 ta 10 pin. Tlht ca s $230% For more 'htumflin cal M95) 875-1681. Oldu A"mi »6" is hall at the Mita Sports Centre tm 1t0am tUa2: pamlle case k $5-25 fortixm aged 65 yuarand over and $625tfr thone ageti 45 ta 64 yen. For mare informé- lii' cal the sports centre ai <905) 875-5393. t1 kbàMi hell mit dhm Mgtan Lelsur Centre ageti 6S yeur aind ni mi $5 for taie .ged 18to64 years For n Wdframatocal thtek- sur cae at M90) 878-7946. ;Ib - y Ulmamp Sum Drap-a mut the ADAPXT office 245 Conmca St, Unitt 81, tram 630 ta 8 pin Tht grup supports people in tht con> *moelty laaldng ta samtie theïr substance abuse Toplcs include heidiy liing skIls bud- -enç seW «nm nd haahhy relaionshlps. For moue information or ta ruserwe a sent cadi (M05827-5320. Thte %q Caut Sm Cade Corp Caud ka e outh program fo boys andi gis ageti 12ta 18 yeas, metsat l5p.athe Mon i FuM Gronti uldn 3, an Ruon Steeut Lxr 1 more k*rmsiori, cali (905)875-1400 and leste àiamssage. TheM mdmpwof», mteSunrise Caleam 7 to&30e&«mVtkrs are welcome. For mare lutatanrareservation taatted Ical Hidi Cherr ut (416) 580-7507. iMilani District Hospital holds a -ns-on-nu hbraassdmdlnit wli a certifueti lactation consultant tram mon ta 4 pin. To malt an ap- pointmnent ciii JIl Midis at (905) 878-2383, ext 7610. The Milan Seniors' ActMtiy Centre, 500 Chiluls Orholds Irswemp'usadlg mu lkdmd4 Khmgdm md Mdi k.W -ée by Rth Blair of PI.CGS Blai Archivai Researcli traml1ta3pým.lbelhofsxsulansaflmi -ie M 1 HaS - sa0 Manogmu Fret Proginik held tram 1 ta 3:30 pin. Tht guest speake k Betty Cami, praject co-ordiao for dit Mississauga MaltS Self Manmn Serateg> Fleue a spot a thet rcpande*i or caii the cenre et M)05875-1681. Tht cen- tre misa, halts Soauai Lauel hrum 9 ain Io nmon, Ddft (h trm 9 r. ta nmoan ana Budpetaml9in 11.30 a.m.,SonSplnnsr Csu trm 9-30 an ta 12.30 pin, U11l"li frammnno 9 psn, Cuuflfrom 1:30 to3:30 p.ni.and tige tam 7 ta 9 pin. Each actMty cases $2 ho mmbers and $425 ho nonr,-mem- bers. For mar informiation, cal the centre. The W.sISy Lied. Coru ks apen at mon and fematres Chiken Churcit Casserole Meal DeM (salati. entre. dessert ind boerage) for $8. VUsi tht reception desk ta sign up or pliant in >wur aider ta the contre by Monday VWybaU ks heli ut the Miltaon Leire Centre tram 12:30 ta 230 pin. %h case k $3.75 ho thase ageti 65 yews anti over andi $5 ho tase ageti 18 ta 64 yeu.Fn re ifernaton oeil the leisure cer- tre t MS0) 878-7946. uap« Mc. 24 S" lista LO01 M& 2S7 miets tran 7.30 ta 8 pin. aI St Clair Masan.c Ladge, 6321 Reglonal Rloai 2& New mrentors are welcamre. lb. D0" "Mud drap- centre 900 -esf Rd& k open tramn 4 ta 9-45 pin. hora#l agos. VUsi www.ykniifton.com. ManDistrict Haspital halids a aus-n msauaing diNk wli a certifleti lactation consultarit tram 6 ta 9 paTo malte an appoint- mnenecal llI Mildca (90W)878-2383, ext 7610. W iOcLiSStdg IS payeti tram 1 ta 3 pi. a teMn Soccer Centre, 821 Main St. E Puy as yau go ho $7. Novice training ks provideti by fimers of dt Milton Lawn Bowling Associa- tion. Tht fln Serda« ActMvty Cene 500 Che' Dr. holds a tosoeedcbltm 8O 4anmto 1 pin Tht cost ks $25, payable ta dt nurse. Book an appainent at the reception demie or cal the centre ut (95) 875-1681. %h centre aisa halls Gadin CkIA fnam 9 ta 10.30 an,, Smah -laasf tram 9 am ta noon, WIm- MeClu tram 9:30 anm ta noan. Uns Dondq tramn 1Ota 1130 a.m.B1olttfrorn noon Io9I pi..Fe*tAattrom 1 ta 4 pi. M.,idwfrom I1:30ta4 p.m. Cblmtm 2 to3 p.and bhletu.b tram 7 in 9 put. fach a uceMey case $2 kwr mnember anti $4.25 ho nan-merrm îCampst Clu Ma0ing k eld tram 2M0 ta W430 p.m Re cose is $3 ho meaubers andi $5 ho non-memberi For more Information, ciil the centre. Oda Admit Shéimy ks hd ut the Miltan ~ Sports Centre tram 10-30 arn. to 12lO pin. The case ks $525 for thone aged 65 yenr and owro ancf$6.25forthoseaged 45 to64 yeas.For w 875-5391 el .t 95 FWiOWCet25 Everypn iee in praylng ho our schoals kIf lnvled tajoin- kuSvo gmPysaniw-5 denomflnaInl prayur mlnlstry, at Grame Angli- an Church at 930 ain for an hour ofipraye For mare kifrmn oeil Shirley Kithm ait (905) 8 78-2630 or Anne Janes et(905) 854-253. flua Dou* yauth drap-m centre, 900 Nlpisingf Rd, ksopen from 3 to 1O*45 pnfor aageswll. paretal permission ta stoy lai requlred for kldsj in Grades 6 tas. VilUt www.yfcm*ita. Miltan District Hospitul holds a dop-lm bisait- fasdIn- gwoopl w$th a certlfed lactation consul-j tant fram 10Oto 11t3Oam.atOurxLdy ofVtxy c Schoo, 540 Commercial St., with irômnfaons shared and babies weighed. For women andb babies o4éy Cal Jii Hicks at (905) 878-2383. ext 7610. The Milton Senèorsý Activity Centre, 50M Chîie Dr,, hois a fuie Alu shot dlum wrth nurses/ parmniedics tram the Hahton Regoon Health De- paremnent frani 10 arn. to 2 pm. The centre misa halds the Coole Wu* Sae fundraiser tramn lOian ta 2 pin. Also taking place is Scool.r tamusf tram 9 an. ta noon, Contact Mddg. trum 9 an.ta noon. Tai Ol tram 9,30 ta il min., Skupl tram 9.30 anm ta mon and Cyba Cage tram 1 ta 3 p.m. Each actMvty costi $2 ho merm- bers and $425 for non-rmmbers Bld Emadw tales place at the Nassagaweym Tennis Club tram 7L30 ta 10 pin. The cose ks $3. For more In- formation cal <905)875-1681. FiMq Oct 25-26 As part oUt Milon Histouical Society'soutreach peogram. member Fred Johnson canducts Mll- ban Hum"mmalk Friday and Saturday tramn 7 tu 9 pin. Johnson has reseurched MlItn' scar- ierhlseory and has stores to shorehrtun and enpomeetReguster at nwglatteiMalcOn aid/ar visit www.miltonhauntedwalkcam. &*0* Oct 26 The USuel Unld Choidi Baza tilts place at the cNsrch, 6150 Trafalga Rd. (nonth af 8<1- tanNÀa Roed) tram 2 ta 4 pin. Featured are jams, pickles, crafts, balds bocks. fiea maise and tee table hudloor àop-hi socer 's held at the Miton Sac- cer Centre.821 Main StLE.for ages 12 ta 14tfram 7ta8pn. o$5; ages1to7 roma o 9 pm. for $5; and aâ*fs trm 9 ta 10*30 pin. fo $7. Tht Milan Senlori ActMeiy Cenre, 500 Childs Dr. halds UlUlait tram 1 ta 3 pin, and Table Taunlfrogn 1 ta 3 pnmThe cost us $2 for mnem- bers and $4.25 for non-mnembers. For mare In- formiation, cal (905)1875-1681.

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