Food is our fuel - making sure we kiss th1e cook is important By Julia Hanna 8The other day I caught myseif thinkînq about efamiIy and in particular my Nonna, I was tthinkîng about her and ail of the great contri- butions site made toward the famsily. - One of the strongest memories I have o! lier Ils in the kitchen iovingly prepurinq a deli-' clous mcii for lier family to cnjoy. I started to, thlnk about ail the meals she had made over Iler cooking cafreC i carne to realize that sfic must have made an astronornical amount of mci. i decided to pull out my caiculatar andi jdo the math. 3Ifmy grancimother lied made an average of meals a day over the 25 ycars sfic spent In hie kltctien cooklng for the tamiiy, it woul corne ta a grand total o! 18,250 mciii. Think -about that - more than 18,000 mciii pie- § parcd by anc woman in the course o! ber q lifetîme. ibis came ta me as a very surprlsing Snumber, but 1 realizeti that this fém lias been; *accompllsheti by meny other womcn. Many' tof these women coolcet for us $0 they coulti .CZfeed andi nurture us without any thouglit of: Sbeing compensatei. I'm qulte certain that we didr.'î îhank my Nonna 18,250 limes. Undcrstîndîng whît I know now about the, challenges o! prepursng a meai for your fam- FiealthyPm îly day afier day. i wîsh that we liati thanketi lier every lime. Taday tht ict a! preparing a meut cen te donc in a fraction of the titre witu conve- nient foods anti pre -pacicageti products. Otêser factais like drive-Ifiru restaurants anti microwîveable meuhs have matie many o! us useti ta gclting a mcii very quickly. I rcaize that wc can't turn back the liant a!' limre, nonr wouid se wanî ta, but se shauldi neyer forget tht importance anti pleasure o! a he-rnknl mnial Whh'n somuon.o taku'i thetlime ta prepane sonuething for you lotiat, shether ils a simple sandwich or the most tîquisite holiday dinnroci don't foîget wo thank them. Tie best thin" one cati do for the caok in oui lives is ackriowtctige îhemi. Airer il, foodi is oui fuel. Neyer farget ta, iss the cook! Tis is ont o! my fayotante (ail recipes. itM ai- ways a lit, especitly silli childieu. You cari use the roasted vegetabies as a side dîsb, anti use shat's left over for the hurrmus. To simplify thîs necîpe you cati use store-bouglit hummus that doesn't contain atiditional adi- -1 sali iset poata. pecicti and coersciy choppeti 1 meiums canrot pecied and coarsefy choppeti * 1 smaii onion, cul ilo iriait weges * 3 claves of gartlc, pecicti * 1 tabiespoan o! olive oit * sait andi black pepper * 1-16az cari of garbanzo beans (chick pea). rinsed andi traineti * '1/4 cup tîhinîi<sesame seed pastel Or 1/4 cup peanut butter * 1/4 cup lemon jukce * 1/4 cup olive oil * 1 teaspoon grounti cumin Preheet the oven to 425' E. Place sweet pa- 'talc, pausnêp canrot, onion, andi garlkc in a baking pan. Drlzzle with 1 tablespoan o! ol- ie oil andi spdinkie with salt andi black pep- pur. Ramt foir 25 minutes or until tender and ligtf braww. Let cool. in a foodi proccsso., comnbilne roastuti vug- etables, dck puas, tabit lemaon julice, cuin aint 1/n cup olive oU. Caver and proces tantâ smaotti scrapping the sWdes af tic bowt as neccssary. Add a<flliona olive ail If nud ta mate a smasth pese aid up to 6 table- spoons cf wawer to, USa ta chuhed <0051f Spon thc humms ita evln dsh. Co suds plastic rap anti let chU for et leat W»o haut anti tq ta thhc dauys Let it stand eit roomti tetnpuitrature for 30 mn- tles -io ta survtg. Serve wlth tonstd pte. torilas, breati sticks or crudités (cavaIs braccoi, or cauiflfoer). 1 Ho/tan chef nd oraérmteu ia Hami à Met founder of the H>*>n a nm>m« oew- naotkan t tcoehes thcp e rne ofa we- mgq nigIt teykxq fit andi coeusiectkwq WM eurch otheron a rcguW bas w ko bua Mm4nd fianwmr tkWroAnmm na - rF11 nlq/ e»sboe ana a (Oasq te f h Bs Engagement Story? David & Lindsay Barker won si00 Gift certificate ta Affis' At the. Bot Restaurant & Catcring, 161 Chisholm Drive locaîed inside the Besî Western Plus Hoxci Round trip transportation to Allîson's danated by M.mory Lane Limousine. la Comulng..lea yoo un sOU *s *amm & co.y &I enoyln e Iot Clèicer. Pot Ph. SOap b oui Retairas locaon l61 Chishom doiveto Wflm Moisi hou le Miln o cs usa et 475-2M 03 ado sON Usier le you unywhur In MUsant1 161 Chuslulm Drive, Mon. ON. 1_9' 4A6 T (905) 875-2962 E. Our sxiors one of passion, dssm*stion and tearriotk. VW'vs endured a rolleioaMwe ride of ups nd downs bu arrie at dits poit as fnany couples do. We've been Ingether lor mway yenr andi Ide bas throsti us opmr fait st ae aio stormy weather. but togettier wc have bumvei ttrougti il ail. w. sere engagea in a taîry rte seting, a snowy 111096t patti white oui on a one-horse aleigl ride NMrd 2010. My tien fince. bindsgay had no ides il as coming though i hat beau duoçpng sligtiremns for neauly 6 monthe. I hua triet sorte snaeaky tacis to dîscover hfie ring sac and wbat tyrc of a ring sfic would fancy- il sas a c*fficull task. be:ng trial sfis nt ovcrly miateiabti. anld had no prieir notion 0f shat she wanted ini a ring 1 had asked fier bac i n Septemrber if she'd like t sietgh ride in the smntertimne. We bath are avid morseback rîders and i seernet Ice an cibvîcus actîvity to try (but fli dtd stie know I sas atmeady planning K> pop tue question Ihen). Corne the faiteful weelcend in Mardi, skie Pied corrpletely fcngoten any of rny queutions huom enlier I boolctfl ste sgf ride cap nai in (Groy County Mi Wflanny Acrs andi alao boalcet a B&B on Fougue foir aftersards. lit sas a sarin day and I w« sromed fluors woult te env anas bo sisgl on. As luck soulti have ut, se b.d .riougf for s shouler ruti Whsn se univeti. Lindsay went off to lcam fias Io use thue radio Usai woulti bie on board imn caese sers separaistifrtram Our outrider (cone of thue owncs rides abeati 0f the siiu ta guide us). Mearnstie. sho bebiowd is -m st c a Oite o&Mdsbr 10 l11an bas in êlv the sel (tmich omSd pr insuel t wouid te d*ig ilmaff I AO""au*toUn bu explisu mfy -la cd a nti Mi hoU Mnule questaon" Sa, ali Ws sel kWSse §tti bac#Mt a - oenmzn amn aDit cas. fluef nue Mapte bn stop. flu daudu b muie and Un i su çpt lHe soit off and I tau ho Po a bl ra tW mnusy SiC but elle m« bat no mUe whal vn happening tant 1 iemnod n gOM., mchat Ml M poclet andi drus ou a SnU bat iIde11111 containet a rung aud f aced fier ho riuur Me. Beissen thes tsar and biaks ci surpuise. sfio sid yes, The mnxient coutiAIn have beau mor perfect. The auttider came back. anappeti a fes photos and se carnieti on out poumey. fi cocfld't have been more perfecd suthe horse at a gond pace. thue ownen's dogs Pyfully tpng alongsade lte and my futurs wit e chnging to myN amt as i Isamned fias Io «aes thciiet re colinumorso. buddy. go lifuter Usicugri the fretis, W. onded back et die parkin lot andti sesed fleartfelt congatiationa and bot daoetsa Alte our one bhue open sSeig adflnur, ne retumnet Io flhe Guelph eae for ssuWs and carrieti anb a beauiui B m Fugua. if sas a We sure marrieti Oct. 6 2012 -us naîtti ai Noemet surroundoi by foresetan* anid triende. We arc sUil boking for nos ativenturua and whsul eo day% aur iow for cati Cathr s stronger, I. I 'The Wlnnlng Enggrnn Story David & Lindsay Barkarer t .5