A danoei perfrmm durtng MinMams Octot 6 customer appreciation event êt the Milton Centre for the Arts. More dma 1»00 people attend.d the eyant. whîch was themed'Festival of Cultures' Fumm yurf -Wsour. *Ir lntnaonai musian &Md recrdhn artist Jesse Coo& will perform at the Milton Centre for the Arts on Saturclay. Nov. 2. Cook has been record- ing and perforrning mu- sic around the wofld for more than 17 years. Aguitarist. composer,pro- clucer and photographer Cook recently released his eighth studio album, The Blue Guiczr Sessions. With seven studio albums in 15 years, Cook has de- velopecl a folowing from, Singapore to Dubai to Italy to Lebanon. He has soki more than one mil- lion albums worldwlde, is a JUNO Award recipi- ent and is a three-time winner of the CanaUaa Smooth la77 Awalrd for Guitarist of the Year. Mis last release, The Rumba Foundlorion, debuted in the top spot on iTunes Canada and his DVD pre- miered on Public Broad- im C casting Service (P8BS). Cook's latest release - The Blue Guinor Sessions - as a major departure from hîs previous work. His objective was to create a'biue mood' record. He want ed toijust let the instruments speak.The resul ias a i 4-track album recoroed on a pair of vintage microphones, which he had exhaustiveiy searched fo" to replicate the mood of recordings from the Miles Davis era. Sound was of the utmost importance to humn as a musicien, producer anad enganeer. In addition to the album release, Cook's television special - Jesse Cook - Live in Concert - was picked up by numnerous PBS stations across Nortri America and aired in major caties such as Chicago, Boston, Detroit Phaladel ph'ia, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta, Minneapolis, and Washing- ton. to name a few. tickets cost $48 for adults and $44 for chaîdren, students and seniors. and are available at wwwnailtoncentreforthe arts.com or the centres box office. W aeac 90i7825