home-sel!i .6 hMler i true that the bulk of borne sales generally take p-lacce inithfw pnng andi surnner. Ifiat! and wmnter can aso ix- a fruitful titine a I TanllC î: m i s Jiix'l.hi*gt' hidren ohter pirler wlie ni h oin c hi1TTwt~lore'etlw iiukîng sl)îing (tl!,Illlllieri t e ' CJ) b1 1 autrattit îhe'e uycrs,. homvi, iher kýll,>sni b rsare "di îppîngtfoi hom eN t lurinig 1,111 andt I Mtiler, -u 5tt r.av i 1rokt'r wth Rx.îl L i.l1.ngrs or biter-. tding)uc or down iam paint. new caqp i ______..f.... itI? r ling tips for low season- treate o.ppa'rluinitles nouisîde thetradînional spning andisuriiincr înarkcîs , raV rTcu. mientis tht (îLowmg tnps loi listing y( ur home through mihe tnier nnîs i C hts'se hlrmght nteritor hghîînig hkt'- iîliptnt t 10 Inke >nur home appecar 'arinî ai uwu ing le ixtittital ifives m t'sîe pl3t mg 40-watt buib-, wtîh more iuinitr;t ~saidfland rindrap-e .Uttlnds Lt' viticht urihi-.bn -2 i np ~'aîe '"liokiy ta 'r P e îiii Ibit boxrs w.rit t i>.rc'îu"~"f lionîr 'Whuilc i 1,3, i 1.lh'tî't ' tt-r ne1' - l- ioPlace 3Ùtg aJugowi or dots% Jgcmuî naxd a liukl "reing. wallpaplera;nd 'en a swîmrining pool? 4 9 Ca dmi mm mN&-lmm* s u mu 1 Morigage 871 M A&~Arcbitectsl.87 à"O... M ~www.tmootgae 1 lMmrinmSI., MIhtn, ON Uni<d ItSu.ohi%@,ImamWbd, holîdavs. pers-onai items anti nimorabiha sho uld bliekctî mua minimum. 3. Use snow-free picturesiniypmr listing, if pos-sible. have x'our listing photos b uk ento Ilile lîr't snotwltaIL Viu wili i ve ptentat huyers a liciter picture of vour htmt5' exîrnor. 4+ tep > 'o>r ht-mie x-arnxdunng showitnp. seti the thennostwai'a a " urnt, riahle level t Lt>ISider akagycur ,itrçAîo a' mm on x-eur gas lîreplace lor a hwn ý) Shovel andisl veni rwalntwavs andi dnx'ewav in dtng ,>o, eoti imake xots borne Mrca.ts- bic lincrease euth appeal andi show pixenual buyers thai your home is weiù-nain- taîned andi caret for. flirre are pleny of oppor- turn ts to sel evn when the peak reai esuate season endis.If you f7nd yourseif Iokîng wo seil ,mer wînier. tr>' sone o! ( ray¼tiîps for succç Mure information is availahie ai wwwmyaitepagca wwnrws.tanada.com Pub The -'htZrw CtWWWýSSn. 555 ht am nti *t.>t 1$SEl IW<IS 87231W FtM01762 AmtMws'4 s ccfed on the coedflon tt it le et ai(a9 a9!WIKi #w 9,alpon ci Uea.rfqmwa by the eno'ýwo'tm.togrihot W<h a oasonac a&-, etswe <w sqflmwe. id ns b. dwAdm bfl et M e*lreew * o fad Uv qiw pkfl n 1bý Te p* rarui<w at qilbn k uur cgtypwpa ertx. ddelhlrg r wsiM uai the p 9mÉquo&ares MWI«tbrxméig s Uà-rfuly of~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e cg lei n f1 *l '>WPoee iMSt Odt Mna £4WPn 8M S