Canadien Cancer Society ORAT RIDE "NI, STRDE tmS"y, OSmaber a0, su3 csmm y WSla PtuS t nwa0 Ie kw uem imm -r OU$vm h.M no ush.ta - mnmn8WA a auna mu Société canadienne du cancer STATISTIOS " In Ontano. au estîmaîed 9,300 womeu Wifl b. diaqnos.d wztb brout cancer and 1.960 nmae will die of th. dînas. wn 2013. * The, fiw-year survivel rate for brout caoc in Ontarlo za 88%, du. toezaaed scresaung rasm and*t imr e n troaument. KET FLOTS * Ereait cancer ronmin the mot commoely diaqnosed cancer in Canadian wrmen andt b. second most conimon cause of cancer deutin wonlen- * A woman ha a 1 mt 9 chance of develcpM brouSt cancer in lier lifetiun. * Broust cancer occurs pnnly in womten aged 80 - 69. *'61 % of women in Ontario are qettig ucrsawd for breuit cancer. Oct obe Oaa » I40 no 9 bria cm. Sang d&ebna iol aeemapsarm I_ ls _s j a fýi h f e r rni gcjre p h 7011c ni -kc 7 to Gonsider Breac:st -eumb -D w=- -hm -'*fr - na i-il.o lesy apim. tbe ctut qgmt" for 5 dàe 0.i1y dssculof aiw cmt=ta - imdimmas =mcr - is haluai u kfl" boa .Md duwem ai wfl Dy go t*. a & koda isdel uum n py - ta -,1- -"l be. dcvelapàag forqamd i a no 9 Yoms. ibis . - "..y daaiao b My sue" af te ihbfiat Mme ye w le t a relia t. banitsM S.nmqhy alto. Ma, bfjun y.. wilI -e kt s amua wpt a oguls SSS 1,m-dt masmu- wm pv.a- - TW r I r p t t r L F I I I i -1189g l'mua iiksof *tuao wu u - wNli - maj eul ls pumn o* abe 7 il