No carges re lMl6W didsomeproactive work earlier int eyear. W. tried to, attend aIl the Love Sh .a ed shops and convenience stores inHalton. W. hadi sent out officers earlier thsyear <spring) and found none, atter viiigabout a haîf-dozen stores in each of Milton, Burling:on, Oakvllle and Halton 5However, in June a retail business in Buri- ~ington - for whuch Murray didn't want ta Igîve the name or location - was warned lad to selling of IZMS hae been laid in Haton to date by police about the selling product after an officer was able ta purchase a packeî of it. The store operator was gîven a warning. On Auguit 26, Hamilton police resporîded ta an apartment in that City for a report of a 20-year-old maie vomîting uncontrollably and slippîng in and out of consciousness. Hamilton police say the man had pur- chased and smoked IZMS. Ne was taken ta hospital wiîh non-lite rhrearenêng injuries. Hamilton police went ta the store where the mnnallegedly bought the product and re- moved ail of its remnaining stock of IZMS. On September 1, Halte., officers visited a store in Milton and seized $254 worth of IZMS product. Once again the store opera- tor was given a warning. No charges related ta the selling o! IZMS have been laid in Hiton ta date. Murray said Hilton police have îalked ta several business owners who didrVt realîze iriïs illegal ta selI IZMS. In one case, police contacted the store's head office ta, make them aware of the product's illegalîty. Officers wull b. making more visirs tome- tîme soon ta stores that migln sell the proti uct, saîd Murray. IZMS appears ta b. a brand mame. Nalton police providied a researchi docu- ment on synthetîc cannabinoidi produced b>, the Cerner for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) at the University, of Marylarnd. tri it, the producî is referred to by scieraI narnes. More than 100 brand naines have been iden- tîtied, sid the sîudy. with the most poputar in the U.S. being Spice mnd K(2, but it w also avaîlable as Blaze, Fire 'n'ik., G-Force, Soar Flirt and Vucatan Rire, 11t cornes in plastic packaging. Its a drieti, leat>, substance," that is tikel>, snoheti. «there are warnings on the back - don't be alone, don't make important pliant calIsif you use the producr. said Muray>. He sid tht>, are fàirly cheap. anywhere tram $5 ta $20 for packages that can weigh between three and six grains. Thé. CESAR research report says that as of Mla> 4e 2011. 24 U.S. stares had enacred leg- isiat ion and 24 hîd legisiation pendîng ban- n'ng ont or more synîhet cînnîbnosds. In Canada, synxheîîc cînnabinoids are il- leqal under the Controlled Drugs and Sub- stances Act (CDSAI, The. product's îllegalîty here is challenged b>, some, Toronto crîminîl detence lawyer Alan Young tld the Taronro Star that the federal gov- em ment is relying an a 'vogue and brouir defimition 10 uliaw« the chemica. lIt's not a sian, dunk as litat? Canada saW h. sai&. 1'ou're juil skating on thin lcrn' Young said Heattb Canada is simply assumn- Ing its captured under the CIDSA. »Junt because a substance is not Iisted specifical>,... dots flot mean that it is not cantralled: countereti Healrh Canada spakesperson Sera Lamer. 'l-ealth Canada determines whether a substance thasis not listed in tht CDSA s captured under« one of such termg: John Hufiman, who, «seted JWM-18 (a syrîthetkc cannabnoid in the earty 1990s for researchi a Clernson Ortfmi rîtrid the Star taller ts yea tn is not Wo hwmen con3.umptton. *lt is nasey stur' he ani from South Caro- lina. lt's dangierous: Huffman said it inteact wirth the b6idy i a cdffrent way than HC. tht active ingredi- tnt ini marijuaa maldng il capable of caus- ig psychosis, Iwart attacks ancd sizuies. 'Somne people It doesn't affet others go crazy,' le nid. Adam Wookey guarantees IZMS is legal. Wookey, 28, nas behind PurePtfr adwr- tised as a legal alternative to Ecstay i the laIe 2000s, ils main im¶recUet BZIR, ws al" not listed under the COSA and ha logS>? sold the. plUs for tItro e rs 'TI be happy tu sit in court. Wookey raid the Star in February. *1 know what lI»n doing it's totahfy IawfuV* Wookey defendi the tract record of JM 0 18 using "comparative risk7 Drinking akco- bol and smoking cigarettes fs, wo smoking bis product isnVt thaît wisafe, ha said. 'What rm trying ta do now is dlsemnpower wbat I nas empowrin, he sid. 'That was flot irigit: - wtt know that drugs att gong to he purchased so th" should b. sold in a responsie way* - wtth tes hmai ax ConstgIc4 the Tosonto Star *oe M 0 tnbe sf - AmliVm Qet 1P 50fbba $22%- Lmiff 00Cr MOWT FREELTO4 151h Séderoad 234 Fr*~to R&. i GUJELPH4 ELUA - iU 7707 #M Rd. le Mopie Se~a MS Siy Uns Sfl-37.OSîo SW94SS-UOR eo Mn, aa4eo.e 4 «ada npvnupp~o~ WOO,