ai=&$ . iuèg wsn "ittegoIs tiai- *hfrIsutnctwe ks Impeiùn raid Mid the Smnna e Maison rvilduçus. Mpta a report tmglon's 2012 Transportation Services ; R.porL recetvud by regional counicil , shows ton a Wrlety o! pAogrifl - -ie - rond safney audits, t t canwir pomuen and expmnding the I rond nmk- are -epn ensuit "mmSn a ide ommunity w! i con- ta mue tii transport~to nueds cf "i futurellSds and buW*snet mg Maison ueniais thte s*st corrwnu- lu county$liscd to Man oegionaJ ~said &-e" Ci br Gauy Ca" -By in- i rond sufuty prograins, wWru he4p- reneerted *w nie$s ci te raid p ensume tif y rt to wark and home farRs sar Ot cuaes arm one educmnonil tool tatao urid driwers to stop on red. aobt mni@y. fls tot sèig ilvuV .h »012, regional counici mtroducud 4M tara proaan ta twa Hilton plOtsl wifti a cawma et Brant Stomu a Stafl n rbaflgton anid one at w- Trdga Rond and Upper Middle Rond i Oekvlilu. ln nine mcionth. thie carntrs rugis- tefed 461 infractions. Atm the nmbur o! marlous, nght-angke col- lisions ait the. Inftewtanrd uccd by 80 pqr oecm rM n1dtc0hplw .*IOKTcodtew two canrs issu havie captwsed 755 drivers golngthuoughaàtoefk tir aiter it îwrnud "e HahoM capta budget for ronds lias i- cmd km $50 mlon trim06 t$289mit- lion i 2013, Hakoat laguit Wrnmnt in food k*fannumnlsad Cam 'At lie sman.f weve achiemwd an enr- âge moa per cent tix inorue, on vuglona services. one of lte bust record in Canad. le 2012s.ganatounciaocated$1S9mnINion te transportation capitai projecs iricluding the. fo#owing ptmujet thnt were ccxnpleec - Building nnw four-lmne wacion of lames Snow Pnîkway froue Sultn Mite Crce& to 60 mn wust of Mauin Plumsant Rond * Wufdening Wlnstion Churchti Boulevard frou Ste.les Avenue ta Nos. 5 Siduroad * building a new section of Jarrtes $now PuA- way froru egurnt Rond 25 ta, laiton Churcli d.& mnctudlng grade seuaatlon structure, g lte Cmnadian National Railway trackt. Attend one of our free, upcominq information sessions: Saturday Novernb.r 2sd 10:00 a.m. HRI>5 Headquarters - Cafeteria 115 1 Bromte Road. Oakvîlle Wedsusdy. Noemr 6th 7-00 p.m. HRPS Heauquarters -Cafeteria 115 1 Bron'e Road, Oakvi lle Space ks lIrnited and registration ks required. E -mail. r 5 13 NISSA ROGUE S FWO *Aehbê.e M W>"wuDie TP,. o#% CLIV eu AaaaW Azound Ver Meonac CVI aAtomaW wtimo Conétecc< A/C, PSw Winws. £ oct CausIo*.I Plse Sons io àeus Locke 1iud Malwe. et. w~~~~' w7 - s -n * NANVERS NOTE aiu o #b eafl ea aU& - 1111111111 wsat vs n #que a4 v a NISSAN SENTIA 2.9 ,lm oil rsn mnwp 3 vu îvvMaî Ji e ua PuP cne il amec e P cmt*pspn hg faii i cfnc tl CttorwÇîS 14 tin UPTO ON THIER SELECT 2013 sooa.s UNISAAIAWPR 1 NISA70RASTR 2 N ISA 7 OP am bc M« Q PKM pérA Ch" il awl"M Amd LC Fmce ram 1 C,ýW of Borrowrq is $1,217 44