Party to Re ebe for MinMaxx Grand Openin, Cusomr & PartnerAppreciation eventsý Communtity Awards an Lunchy Party w Rernember loir MmnMarc Grand Openmg. Custurner & Pantner Appncararn evexus, Conunmuy Awndsb and Launch. Milton rrskiems. £4itÎcm and commumty 0upra wei nye te a marwkisw cefrhrancnn laImweekend s MmManx Reaky frc hield rbs grand uonang nd ansmui appnetaiou n'ent Tht reguilar antaldw c nalid e appret WtiUfl evnt saw momu dmi ID0-pepl mint i en"o a day of erau« emennainmnem, %mtnng everydtung hmn hEnury ~spot ot a ugir show~ muhîiculurul dý nd i f îon ýcàuima Clitdren en>opyed face paUU3 hafloom, con cndy niéd moet AmuaRze praidkmn. CEani &ýoker of Rauon 6x Mmhbnx oged t1x eveni te> giv baik wo the conemaaw k lies là cm 0i sevria chat .rpeamn ena UMM=x bu oferd- Lai "r lie teck umee aMd chents 10 Ainc Lion Salai dumung the h ft ieh annual ym hri ackhuoe, MmMmh «bter rvenus include twu "qirate moie pmiers of Pirates tel the Canlihepa On Stra T~did" Cant wt Cune*kx Galaxy Tins . an iu event m the Holiday mn Md sponoeg "munow cmunny Tht, yean clien and jun appercitioi evcnt kKloed off wnth an oftoal ribecwing ai MmMaxxý affkr st 1220 Mai St. E Ain gin the chaire wo rehl dnwr Mtxm Mayor CGord Krmnu- ti a re errari to tirealice <or the welk-auended Mnlct*ule. <le fikn Ca fr k dit Ans. where nsci the da» aoebm*sx -à- . e.s packed wuh peple uts ncde 'fr =iclmtmg. viaà bwt frd, in the Muü4MmeiM Ifnmun 1heure ad dumtheAm Cenr. il ay ui d-t 6-k sibi py MtcM <er MMt -Md the habfr. cany4F-wang tAm. ufre campeyaw pue iSâe by tir Toun»mRad Esme boudi i 2012 h irnwed iscn 'Ccuwuunny -Serv«c Amat to Ana. -the aurienw a a oekuk ci tw <lup. Milicut rtedily astil eS pm b* éwy* Mhate ré lae cm «mvud ai the ag Ceir hre âhm hy nù me a delidm ukraoet ni r,e i -an stMd bed. MiSknac1no~ <kcamutn o fc Lse wlple hm hawý ie in tir cooeawny tuW m ukîi â M hat huai Pamuai Chair Milton Duict Hospital Famidaktio <M1») MffMani Citnunuy Service )metskupky. W OprxmgOfficer {COO). Miii \%a of MHF a-ceprdathe Awiard of zwtekucwe on MihalffxJh)berC-ý Hakion HeShtýo (John w»s travelling toia and oeturdd Lioglo Kiani, Mayor T7own of Mîkaon. Min Maxx Cammunuty Service Award May" Kraru: usn art.epwd Qommunuty "nt huards for Rmi ,nlChair Gary L.arr and Tcwnm UN.) Mann Belvedere who cmudnl lit prestni due wo ither Phier Orphanustnur previus c lient and gnod fnrd? post humously kit ( ommunity c--rvicr Richard Bokon, Presadnt. Milton Chamber ci Cemnere. MmniMmx Cumrnniy Service Award un I 2¶xh Annivexsazy of Mikon Chainimi of Commerce MmnMan Rai Emmer lcam. MinMma huard of LixLdknce for beîng nankrd Nurnlrr 1 [cam or dt pat1wyears ni a fl)3 across. AI tumpabues andi tiat rh GTA Swudens of Mcmetsaos School of Mikon, Kids for Mala Campaig, MmNWMa Youth Encouragent Award Zaunali Anm, \Md Younges AsmronS tirb andi wuiF r of ICîti Fer Mala Campaiga MaMan Youtb Achiewnm Award Zainali efreehd Canu at tir Umâed Neige Un Yenr nt ýe Mas* W>Mu Mmoul Conficience A=a sad its untfiafl tu lion wu ge lied to tir comnwnmy ir calls hum wîth lhs family nid ir petsoeaiy dor so ewrly chanc ht gis t carrie idus oer uonie lMua a-, a ctmmunuty-nmnd lisant. snppcnîwvi of thet wwn and sts contas la 6crM MmMmnm wt Mnouwrd ab Business of the '<car by Malin Chamber oi Commere MWt As wut noenned as Busnes Person oi the '<tar NMo dear ta lts hern bs tht Milton Duanci Hospima andi as Founanotn, (A which he aise serves aa darcora. A silent auciton leatured a Ra"e Dî'y wuh Suprecars Can"d, offenatg t wilifer à chance to rme a usue car on s iruck m w (T&tCA raist mtis forth MDHE Thmr nue iao a ht of items up kwr tien uîchachg a free listng, an iPal X-Box Oit, PIay Station 4. and a shopping spiee ai Tona Premauum ckdts- Tht test of the ahtemeoný celebratîc nas ddmhaed tn havung fun aid pest ceaunly bai a gmeî seioet ioeo acuvîtra 'o koep dhei aensomd- Thmonoamd weeaso gwnacuvmur photo of ditew vaahnhs wo a specuahiet photo boodhutiup dksa , àr valis buckdmop suucl as spom cas and -o:à. To mrafc shoms - awuidenig the list -en and - amtuibsel ! milies ta MttemiMoe.urit; Ted Oumetukde: Clokwork Mysneks, NMcsdu~t car enahusiats lied a dwmS to tie an ami a smulstet super car ce senS. driwrs PX to choose any race urack rn it world. olenag a vanuai experirne ilium everyone loved. Mtanwhdle a inulucuhtural dance petdorinarice festureti colourlul dancers tri the styk of Vegas -Surnta. Chare nd Induan -That's the beaury of Miltun. so much nicb bisaiy nd sucti a wonderful muluicuhtural cummunaÇy. Azm addmd lie ns aise, pleased l bc able tu announce the lauinch of Milton cm. a scon4ot-br active commnimy ponai faing Ai hmgs Milton Mixa saîd eves-e lke thLe, ceItbrâtit>i taire many muintihs ai planning. tiut tic enjuys dotng i Ms a wuy te psy 1w-k andi thanir A MiniMaxx clieais, pmniners. and the cornmuniîy ai large, for ail their efforts and <oenuînued suppoirt ta help mnMaxx [heur efforts alcow NmnMaxx wc 51tt. essfuiv delîver hesa-în-cias and wvr-r-ttop service .mnd resuhas to mair a dtllerrnce in everyones litîhey, work wirh No douhu, nrxi ycars <'vent wîii bc just as