s Influsoza mnniunizailon clinlcs Hiton RegîoWs insonal influenza (<lu> îm- munizatmons clinits have begun. Flu immunizations« are avai table et rnany pharmacies (for those aged ie years and older), as welt as in doctorse offices and watk-in clînici as weil as eit mariy work- places. 'Tis year. Hatton Region us workîng wth pharmacies, doctors' offices, watktin clinics and sorie workplaces to ensuit residents vaUt have severai options for getting immu nin«dI sud Regiontal Chair Gary Cari. 'The Region as uiso honing 28 flu immunization clinîca throuhout HuttonY FI. inunwfni@n ms recommended for ait those six months of age and older Gettîng tht (lu vaccine every year is the Mot important way ta protect against the <lu. according to the Naion Reqîori Health Oepartment. lit aNao helps ta prevent the spread of the virus ta those who are vuinerable to com- plications from tht flu. Most healthy people recover froîn the flu within a few days. however. influenza in- fection carn Iea to pneumonie, hospital- izution and evekn death, especialty in the eldy, thone under five years of âge. and those of anl ages with certain chronîc health conditions. hu binacssRe0on Tht foltowing can also help protect agaînst * Cough and sneeze into your siceve or tis- getting the <lu: sue. Throw the tissue in the GreenCart and *Wash your hands (requenxly with soap wash your hands and water for et least 15 seconds *Stay home when you're stc.O * Use alcohol-basedi hand rub <should con- For more information on the <lu including- tain 60 to 90 per cent alcohol) when you clînic dates and locations, visit www.bal- can't see dirt on your hands ton.ca/flu, or dial 3-1 -1. SOet hunds-n co0 +tralnlng that pays. -. APPLY NOW FOR 2014 START DATES! j February 124, 2014f Electncal Traunng Program (22 wee4cs) Mardi 10, 2014J Industnial Mîllwnight/Machînist <22 weeks)s Aprif 14, 2014 Haine Renovation Prograin (26 woeks) For mon information cUil aa C ar Uowwws G FALI Î*UTCHEN ~~-taveS -= 5%onow 60 Cabi th Mchen styles w m Nnam $tome Enjey a vanety Slect aid Sxgnature senei o&n you the choace benvo & oW maple doW stYles Sec Io<ty for fU dotais 0@ sue te ask tu 100%fvbee proftessiona dewin Drivent exceed your expectations. Rankcd ilighest hn Customer Satisfaction wlth the Auto Insurance CIaims Expertence" by ).0. Power. a' r L lesurunca advêoe hi your MIV 4510$ h IINflêl. ~pfl. S %SI4S SI' *501S lni the Milieu Mail 905-875-3144 UaC Insurance Home ar'd Auto Insusamne is undetwrltten 6y RBC Germerai insuran<e Compâny. Ho 'a.1 to '- * ate j-' udwit'e b ~RB e t#ri M re j Cmp'any. ~ rl t 't.4"'j'l""¶ " t» "~ w"