Habitt for Hu -3 BJulie Sack CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Two familles were ai smiles reccndly as :hey jE thought about their future In a brand new -home they had previously only dreamed cf owning. IHabitat for Numanity Halton broke ground on what MIN becomne a semmi-detached bouse on Brant. Street South, thar two Halton famé-l Ilies MI cati home sometirne nont year. Bevemly and Nov thrne choîdren of Qakville and Bur$lngton couple Nisam andi Malta and their Stwo daugliters useti shovels aiongside politi- cians, Habitat officiels and sponsors ta offi- .cmally break ground on the praject. rThetwu-soey hume that was onthe rp- E tion coulti begin on a new semi-dexached 9home for the familles. lIfs the second such SHabitat home i Milton - the first one was 2corostructeti lest year. SBeverly sauti shes exciteti about the thougbr of a!lvng in Miltono nont year, ont the opportu- nIte tZ~ bUpovd er fomily. She sai t 'n a Niant echoed thone sentiments, white bis teenogeti dougbters giggled wkth excétemeot about the Item. Bath familles shiet away tam cameras and manity breaks flund on semi-detachod Habitat For Humnrnty huld o ground-bveaking cerernony recentty ta kCIC off the conuttoction of a scrm-deachd borne on Brine Street South that wslI bouse two famines next Ye. Prom bit are pantner family Maita andi Ni sa m home spon sor Whtrtpcot's Grog Skinner ont Megen alshe and parnner taily Beverty. A ~ C the publkcty the event drew. but expresseti theor appreciation andt thanks ta everyone. Mayor Gord %rantz sait Moltion mighî bave been slow to get off the mark when it cornes to Habitat bullts -- somne I-aiton municpali- ries have several in each cornuniwy - but he promiset ta make up for that. 'i think you kroow about thet urde2' he laugliet, referring tothe fabfl Û1oTtoisS and the HaW -the turtie will win the race! Meanwhile, Gary Power Of Whlulpaol1, whkch sponsoreti the Mikton bufiWs, sait is wondet. Mu To b. able to help people in the <animai- nîty achieve a botter Me. Whulpaal employuus hav spothe Lwas evuhweeks helplngodeconst= n ase the Panne dwellig aid puelI te lanif consction. Whiviol which hem a Milta distrilbution centre, supplies the *ldges an toves *wr Habitat bu& a c rosi Ceioda Habita for Humoity Kalton boird chair fHig -ycta saidthe1 non-pofi orgaiu wliich has bn txidêng homes kIi tW aei smnce 2000, bas set a go W cntuclgJ; homesl nf the tint hm ysff &W ta -rv housig for 20 feds in the rext>wm tenu Shica the cuganluflan stfot& ini reupoome 1 agoufng needfoea&%d"d.hwugwnu ton, iahs huý>e adluv<secyd.cfpo tyP'8forles wtdi Umple durait houe lO4omeo u t sekctud on a basi of net aid their wfuingos ta paem lhW mum hmavec idn Hronf for a minmm of t yen wtt licorn below Ou pow nan restde in ùiadeqa houîng Selectud hon eovwies mu5t be *1.l ta hivet a nSnksta Of 500 hInn W* totout. viai Hfln <çt «swut equityll as tek domn paymh.rt, -n the-y muSt hé: a" to toe on a 2S-to3S-yuî hiteros-free nwgage to repey the odri fuir mfn value ofheir bome« À*Yk S&c es re mndd atbak* n»fo ncdmncoeicaco or on T~te On*oe I_ Xieorgetown Volkswagen 203 Guelph Street (Highwoy 7> Georgetown - 905.877.5285 14emi Dos Auto .nidd~.n.anvonê ttlobe .vr, c IN p'-hw . o -w -n .n.td 2013 Paso- 3 <s vti «hôîdoton',to o" n tae poed ogan.' rhe "ýoi ffgladpn.Dcu i es by model OR*, ndsk Griot 31. 2013,0.i Us 4 (hanre o, co.nlahn wfliu 1ic,. Moul .teo Postel 2 %st H.g$kýe S32,603!V4.,r> . t~cn .o bw V PIC.o4*o kswqN 10, fdil devods ORanc cs et> llr i we're drnseioo