r-j Mkh.Ie gav" ot Mg»o mently got a chance to thar* thie fo paranmàoc Who Cam to ber aid in the home detivey of ber baby. &kayderi From ef t am lan Manson. DMW1 Dow and Kathleen Kub. rab t ateWwas vwicPaul WeM Mo#laniuti punsio Under better circwnsimnce Mîchul Kapu- vii icnl got to met the parameMcs who helped ber deftvef her son at her AMRt home 15 months aga. 5h. wus aMTKl those who too& Part mn MWJ tons Cebration ci U.ie Awavds recent$y at the 1 w o knw Cmnt. lb. ewnt hs heId COMMUTE a WORK LYE aPLAY WE UNDERSTAND UFE CAN GET BUSY THAT 1$ WHY AT BRIAN'S AUTO WE CAN ARRANGE TRANSPORTATION FOR MOST once .wiy fourf years to recognkze the heroi effort of Haftons orqanizanoms. paramedics aM bystandmr mn avig 4ve-s. it gies th~e surfflvo f nmkdia ernermncls a clane %0 met and thank the pnndKs and bystmnd- ens who helm sav thei 14vi'es or in Kapo- van%~ case help bring tik !nto the woM M '&OzuTOYOTA GREAT OFFERS ON MANY 2013 TOYOTA MODELS. 2013 TOYOTA RAV4 AODED AU NEW 4.9% FOR 84 MONTN FINANCE TERM ?!ITpIffIm 2013 TOYOTA NIHLAItR ENUI E1 O U Tl11 EIMM FUAI LM l 0,0% Ff2aa41mu O.OMFU18 UMIII U1m cm -S .wi I.Aim mu-TT: 1245 STIELES AVENUE EAST NIHLTON ONTARIO M OK2 -ON4 Î905) 875 1'100 1 WWW MitTONTOYOTACOM