NISSaRScopt work vngel SAN DIEGO. CA%. The compact commecÈl van - voit outier ubat t ooka long- As tiik aS ans n thse grand mi Europe and Asa, North Amer" ras dvia s»mf wwrk van ui thme ve ya wboea Ford nnwrid impoetg dt Trnst Cau*«c wvtt lis compact cer pW-tfoss andi outmeîzd If you tuait becit a frw yeanrs adier il ail Suti mbt the u-d'Bnlld *pinter "hu qmddy mulecr in on nid- *rScil dotms work vns' %uth as the Ford E-Stucs andi Chfcr Express Tis euwifrging miarknt na not 11on NLIN - -win a coimpar dia: a toto ctnnpac ronunrna van of irs awn wbrch ii quttkhy nirned înin tht NX ItiX Compat Cargo wer Fvcrt-onc nnw wnv' int' this wegmwnt, mb1t ùM înkîing à irai to havt the NN 20i huila undic licetut a s thte -ok City Ex- The NV2OL) joins the NVIWISOtY-X3SOO (taro Msurcargo 'n andi Nîx'an NV3SQOi Pasarrger fut- rt>lw/l 2-pet-son pass'tngr Nissýan eas the NVZOO kms the bea in cia fixel econorny whac-h n- a n>, point hecase t onhi coe cuber campeuitr ai ibis ure 19 the Ford Transit Conmt- but as notai short. nt rou'i bc a;l tfo:r ran Sch lu*ge be.user fuoens andi Jupaete have bren bwïldwg die vans for- écaies, dry- use ever> mîllîmeîre of kngh. -nh andtidi âb k The NVZOO bas a payioed of 679 kg anti a crgo volume of 3,474 bkm rab a amqp hmight cl 1.246 mm» 1S3 M)ï To w- HLcege volume. tht p'u'ý frunt set tan bc foldt Tht remi ta a LaWrcargo o n a sua»â fooeprim wuh n.n "a whnlhome Wmosn. -i - floor-mouneti O-rng tir- durits nd 20) integrateti targo anti rooi rnounittng po)ints Io aid Ioadtngiunicadtng. the NV200 bas. t11 cargo ticor opeminp (anchadung tht standard 40it0-s-pln trat dosais) anti a lom cargo flicot liti ver heighî cf 21 1 tiches There Art hiteruly thousantis of ways, ta custoi fil nvnry-- tbmng trom worthenches b «orage binç in the NV200 Ont înteresuNtg example ai the recent press incra) in 'an Di- ego, was a mobile Cîbson Gour service truck with roilcurt vriplauform, ntludung ail the tools usededto repair/servwt guttan%. LAe Nissa:n Gibson bls a hug plant ir Nasvxle. Tétines- sec, andi 111 ber wil se mort cf a relationshîp sirnlar ta what VW s dorng wuth Fender., The chassis is toosely baïed an tht last generation Sentra mbt a Iront-mounted 2.O-litre OHFC itren four cvlznder CMUKt,ý _ a 'I Mr depw -I 0 the jb d s' poern te rntwt>l, hruM is'1 s them job donee Is8/1KUI mo ptoiwrng th nt freot whee hag Nsa Miv cc.dnivtT anti i tank mhr NV 20X nu:t 'n w;- natural envîronnieni, lht' ian Dregtî intict i. U wîîh mostlv, n-wav sirrets, hoards of petit'.- titaiis and epîv rutteu PJ' eniet The' susrprisî,ngl%, tikht turnîng circle <Il ic meter'J3b, 2 fret îtîrmcJîatieh ',ood out whrile t ieeihac-k through tht' %tt'cring whrt-i ma% E; k)flk eniough wo tell! ou the m~ heeIs %vt c r rît - ng but nom a ltmore ThiN tiuldbc die 1týthe oni ThhrouIdlreo teu rhehîghprr uretnnarc 1an r to pt wth uasui work loiadîng Wre took the NV'200 Ente) the parking lot bc- % ,itlt the' 135 Midway Iloauing musrunh in 'In wig to et how handv n would be parking tin uiglututtn Herc nmiro por-isîrinng wa'. kev Thanks lu the alimoNt dtint wîduh and whcelbas.e. park 1% ing wa% a brecec anti acuallv casier than a hill- st:t' rnmnrn an A%¼îhlt'l trtiigi<ligy inçludes, lirtooth Hands-Iree Phone systeni (standard on the SV model>, avail abite Niîs,an('onnect wiîh Navigation wmth 5 8-tnt h touch serte» dîspiay, Nissçan Voier Recognition loi audit anti ravi gatton, wîîh NavTrafhic and NavWe,*ather (Sinusta -uhscnipuon icquareti. sold separaaely). POIs ptiwered k) Couîgle. (nîuglc Sent-ti-t r* trcamîng audio) via Rhîemitoh. hands-fîee mcxi încssagîng A!st?,sant, LSD interface and Rt-ar V'iw Monitor Wîîh îaiswd seatîng, Nissan lîkes wo cati the tinver/passrnger arrâ a "mobile office- wuth centr consiole Ieatuning lapmopi/ hangang tilt tidet storagc, pen/pencil tray. CD holder and dual t upholders This is. aidet wcsed s tîrage artias proivided on the upper Conritned aon page 30