Devereaux Cemetery ls naw open, Iocated at 12337 17th Side Road, just west of Trafalgar Road. IA short d rive from Georgetown, Acton, Milton and Brampton, Devereaux Cemnetery provides a quiet, country setting on land farmed for generations by the Devereaux family. Devereaux is adjacent to HoIy Redeemer Cemetery, and is operated by The Catholhc Cemeteries of the Diocese of Hamilton o for the benefIt of resîdents of the Town, of Halton His and surrounding communities. 8 eDEVE REAUX C CEM ET ER Y I For more information, please cati John Perrotta at 905-877-8500 or 1-800-661-5985 Craig K*IburgerSecondary Schoo4heid #ts ViilBi.Dey re<v.ny noagrgut tdt to schoci instead of drMvng or gcttg a ride. The. September 25 eut Sm lu8 shdea p*W a two-wheelef transportation aftematiM e.sttWbg a reodfor Onwuho #iJs soe m~mm Suger af SpokesN M o - ome of the suppmners of the. ewit - puff ak ki*thetwe of cm btke. Other event sponsors inciuded Share the. Road CoaIiiortý Ekem M&on an w1usn Jones (donated water bMties). Mil Towni Cyt Jo. GaUladier (dwoed a pùeaM elped wtd bike repairs) and Da" Ouhan of the. Town of Mdbtn wlo wus on Iwhandte roote th Mton Biefral MastePrt as we% as paov4de h *amgon abmn thse vedroe.