D;,Iarebne àDateline is a free listing for local non-profit communfty groups wo promote their events for the comninq week. ttekmnhelianran ~ sgw*w~I~wuEmwuuu it Natkces should Lie enmoded to Skmiceiî#rnikonoerodancharrpion.com. SThe deodlîne os mon on the Monda>' of the - wtf( betore the wee* of the ewn. &ISsmiOctil lb. Milton Sen'ior< ACTÎVÎty Centre, 500 Childs 5Dr., Nilds AdmiuâSl at the Milton Leiswre Cen- ztre. 1100 Main St. E, tram 7 ta 8 p.n. The cat is $3.50 for taos. ag.d 65 yeurs and over and $5 for those aged 1810o64 yenrs. Far more informa- Ition, cati (905> 878-7946. ITuodq Oct 15 The RMOtu1 lobstmt mens tram, 730 to 9:30 pan. et the Rayai Canaéhan Len, 21 E Charles St, li the upper hait. Pinas. arrive at 7:15 pin. Evev>vnfl wulcame. For more itar- S matt cal <416> 992-0254 or visit wwwawtton- tosmsesoj %CmOkg NMw hoeil a kme dmp-m pragrain Sfor parents and babies agtd six months and Iyaung. ments at dt Ontaio Eauty Yeers Cen- tie, 410 Bruom. St. tram 1:30 ta 3:30 p.n. Cati (905>825-600, ext. 7299. Milton District Hospital holds a ooe-cn-oo. bnamutf-. lin i wmth a certrfled latation consultant tram 9:.30 am. ta 2 p.m. To make an appointment, cali uitl Hicks. ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. 7h. Milton Seniors' Actîv;ty Centre, 500 Chikis Ut, hoids Kildu 8Sad fram 9 To 1130 amn., Carvin Club from 9 a.n. ta noon, Snoolur Lague tram 9 &.m. 10 nan, «DCwIsizU" Cub tram 10Ota il ar.. BUat (rom, noori ta 9 pm. C'lbbag.from 1 ta 3 pým,TmlTon- omis tram i ta 4 p.m., Bingo train F30 To 3-30 p.m. and ConvuersaeionMi French (rom 2:30 ta 3:30 p.m. Each activity costs $2 for membe*rs and $4.25 (or non-membnters. 814 Luch runs tram 7:30 ta 10 p.m. lThe ct îý 52-50. For rnore information, cati (905) 875-1681. 014er A&* Skia.>, îs heki at the Milton Sports Centre tram 10:30 a.m. To 12:20 p.m. The cost is $525 for taise aged 65 years and over and $6.25 for taose aged 45 ta 64 years. For more informa- flan, oeil the sparts centre at (905) 875-5393. Plddb@mU is hed et the Miton Leisure Centre tram 1 ta 2.45 p.m The ct is $3350 far taise aged 65 years and over and $5 for thase r1e 18 ta 64 yeais. For mare informiation. cail the lei- Nure teinte at (905) 878- 794. téisd Oct. 16 lb.e MOIto.i Christian Ladies Coffée Hou- in vites those înterested ta gain th-e qrotip et the Mitan Gospel Ha. 306 Ontario St N. (one block soutti af SteeI'es Avenue), tram 9-30 ta il ain. The special feature istA Funtastk FaNhon Show and the guest speaker is Denise Wilsoe. Far more information or transpwotin cag Mina at (905' 878-6345. The Escarpnmn Probus Ch* hotds its Mau- gural meeting at Hugh Foster Haei 141 ian St (next ta Town Halli, et 9-30 &mi. The soclubt is for retîred and sesni-rtrm and wonen. For further information, Contact Jeane Rid ai 289-878-9920 or Joanne Millichamp et 289- 878-2969, -nas-e.d nlfonnSon 1$ aiailabie M tht rmeetinq of the La Leche League Canada - Milton group at the Ontario Ealy Verns Centre, 410 Bronie St- S, (romn 7:15 ta 9 p-. Leaders facîlîtate informiai discussion for morm who are breosrfeeding or planning ta breastfeed. Preg- riant women are ei-cauraged To, aftend. Babies are welcome. For turther detaits, cal! (M0)>878- 8879 or (905i 876- 3322, or email UcmlftanZ@ gmnail.com. Mattoni Mî-als oni Wheeli halât its lmiS le Metls hindi pr ogra for senIor at il 30 ar. ai the 80 Ontario St. aprtnwent buiding. For more în)fcwmatîon cal ( 905) 878- 6699. Tlhe Conmiky Wkhdraw Munmu SevcsOw-ha Groap mens et the ADAPI office, 245 Commrercial St. Unft 81, tram 630 in 8 pan. The gmsup supports peaple in the coin- munity kxing t, seinhi dme subuano abusa Topaci Mx"h heattsy in ik*lis, bu- &Cn se#f etteen and huaMV ml»uflon For mare h*ymw or to uesswv a suit, cg (905) 827-53»0. The UopuCan"SuCaStCp Oas- lut a ycxah pupram for boys and ghka.d 12 ta 1 lyv at6rsu&lpaUwMtg F* Grounds, &*rg3, en AtIoet Suna Fer marxe h*bmuia.x call4H15> 875-1400 Imm e a messago Tt* a. &PosMM ofmensettieStafl Caf. froni lto 8-30 uin. **w - twleim For mor inkatifor or a resaivatioc to 14 cal Hi Cherry at (416> 580-7507. Milton District Maiptai haksc aen- n hauf msO0b c wtt ai ce oetifedtcwloe consultant huom naom tao4 pint 10 ak an a- poinimnei caï Ai Hcs *t (905> 878-2M63 or 7610. The Milton SerSoe M*MVIr Cntm 50 CMâà [t k. Nid -a. u op 'Mnaà ad U#ns' train 1 to3 pin& Tht guest spelu is Shamin Asit pharmnac:is-ownr of Target Pharrncy. Rennre a spoi t the recaç0ioe 'Georgetown Volkswagen 203 Guelph Stunt (Higihway 7) Georgetown - 905.877Z5285 Dos Auto. r * I .1, ~ tt~,tf' ,c~i jct.rf>tu-4 tt t. 4 . O ' ýýr tI e" f 'r t tc- r't a qtI.X-' q'tt dr> t."r t' 'î. t4. ntOdi. 21,o..sstf$ Follow our construction: f facebook£Wn t «*rçwownvw