r46Opiion Mitakiga !Do you know an outstandin~ yo~ung community contuibuto. iTake a look around ---ai school, on the lîbrary, at churc h or an the field. There are youoogy bsb ev±r y Swhere who are making a difference, inspirong ath- ers and building comrnuniîy. Many may flot even realize the effect they're hav- ong on othýers. lî's tome ta recognize theor dedicatoon and nomonate them for the 201 3 Ontario Junior Ci- uzen af the Year Award. Thos newspaper strangly supports the Ontario Ju- nior Citizen af the Year Awards sa we can provode recognition for such autstandong young people who continue 10 be fine examples ai leaders on the Milton community. The awards pragram os ca ardinaîed by the Ontario Communaty Newspapers Association (OCNA), af whîch we're a member, and sponsored by TD Bank Group and Direct Energy. Any Ontaria resodeni aged 6 10 17 years by Navem* ber 20, 2013 is eltgible ta, be chosen às an Ontario Junor Citîzen of the Vear. Please heIp us by namo- naîîng an indivodual on ont ai four areas: * A person involved in warthwhîle cammunory ser- vice. * A special yaung persan contrîbuîing ta theor cam- munîîy whole living woth a physical or psychalagacal limitation. * An indivodual wha has performed an act ai hero- ism on the past year. * Good kîds who show a commitment 10 make lofe berter for atiers and do more than is normally ex- pected ai somneorot their sgt. Up ta 12 nomonees wIll be chosen asthe final recopo- ents af the provincial award and will be învited ta a special ceremany held in the sprong ai 2014. Nomonate a deserving yaung persan today. and ne will personally present themn with a certificate ai recognition arnd showcase their contributions on thîs newspaper. Help us psy trtbute ta aur leaders of today and tomnorrow. The namonation deadlone for the 2013 Ontario Ju- nior Citizen ai the Vear Awards is November 30. Namonation faims are available ai www.ocna.ory' junoorcotozen or t»' callîigq Ih' OCNA ai 90S-6PQ »îsidehafton.com cff1ùadlln (trace Anýgloc.on C hur<h. hxocid ai 317 Main St E.. wns çonnsrnocîrd in 1895 at a co-i t $6.000. rtrplacing the carlier trame c hurch ý nowx the parosh hall) -The sione r n - i sîructurç srill stands on us% orginal loation andi na rccentlv restoird by the congregatmon subnirred hv Hrnrtagr Milton and MJU im wcf I Iook forward tottedaytenV ve no longer need such eyéents Yau may have natîced the pink robbon beside the banner on the front page of the Champion today. Yau wfil also ste il nexi Thursday. the lbursday after that and the Thursday after that.KanMe lt\ ouir way ai Managong Edotor shawing support for the seairch for a breasi cancer cure. It's also a rerninder thax October os Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Mltan hosîed ots firsi-ever CIBC Run for the Cure - on support of the Canadoan Breas: Cancer Foundatiju, - ai the E.Vý attier communonies asci the country in the annua4 everot. lts the lurgezt sliO- day, cammunity-drven bitïast casi fundraiser in Canada. Alrnost $38,500 was raésed Iacaly, and according ta the CISC Run for the Cure wtbsite, $27 mnillion was catlectedi nation- ally --lesvong the Canadian Bitait Can- cer Founidateon extremnely grateful and honoured 10, continue leaing the wsy ta- Wafd its vision ai creating a future wothou breas; cancer. lndeed, wouldVt it be noce if the mun was no longer needed because tre was no more bitait cancer lJntil thtn, we must keep up the flght and get ready for the CISC Run for the Curels return to Milton in 2014. Thse event hs pis nned for Sunday. Oct 5. Registraton wilI be open eaony next y.ear. Karen MiceIi con be reacfled of km»cehiomns- tonicanodianchomoion.con andi on Tw:rrer 555 Industnafl Lkniop ~tr Ont L9T 5El 905-878-234 Adiertsàg Fatx- 905-476-2364 CiassNdt 90"-75-3300 Griauon: 905-87&5947 Mwwitooenruaww»fnom VP - GrOet Pubither ROU Gmfwal abnq sbemAsod je a -M1 mao oea0 oe* KMl.NS Ce Mlle ma MbvflW S k A~ Ilfl %P f.mf Th W ffl omo -m ai owu CforM -&se n Ào a «R tono Wfm Me Swwàr_ fid 0 a*enu AM oe etMdn neu Wb WR pml*M N Wbd -NaNa L rm= et =â