Art us IÇ CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A putrmance anli as VoeU as a stadels -ris wtw% pasmra aboie bis flwtkood aamoSdmsn *feuhboen uhowïN tiare #MW oSe uSoit vath the td - M îf nu tue suivi Fint Arts Soclety of FASM spopflrt Nancy CA* sSS te -oui ewmn dgw cru"i uvey >wl -. pentiea aiMas for a chane ta tee the mn,- dia. dim artti ts Ma creafre spae Vis*tors are 'nwfted toa*t questons, euh art bi propats se. doeonsvraon and pur- dia.. pwitra Tlht M11 nwK Ma provides an cportufltyî t tm in rura maSs m causy Mèes-amayof es re spwout - flandn beyond, Th. hme se*-gulded tour of rtsW studios w« taite -plac - ni#« d Semdey famU 10 aPL ta Spm et 24 bccuons Natumare n6 aii - pabehs pouners an .enamaulost. phtoa$en~ eiies nSbkwn glas at. 0"i of thom n buthe %tu is sev t4eSIt a floued glas atist wfl cle Milo hom' kW thW t>sa"M e wots owa 0(h tl urban oeflenoe creading -vrlb fra i. stain 9h5 aia kiviet tise one ol036 arus eaured in titis wseien«rs Fine Art Society of Miltan Studio Tour.*tfM nphF ve1*> geomneik designs following lslamic: art ta abstract pieces wlth a wtaltb of texture and coloare CokxwMd N*teflts flwerL, bfrds and land- scapes sprng ion t1t glass lic ta carefuUy - toqe0 >hwNt 64, ays hefel ino bis art carter by acdMm «My Mb. fIwherlne kiced mne mof the houC lue chuckled. «She lai me ta hWn a hobby - wbat about staîned glassr Me sald the rest is bistouy. Me began tatlng a two-wet course at Fansbawe College in Londoun. Wutbin days, his instructor askcd hlm i f hd like ta watt fan hlm. Hewltt was fiaored and thnillcd ta flnd watt affernuil- Ing out 45 resumes In 1990 wtb r» success. 'He saiS I had naturai aptitude, Mewltt re- caleS. i've «ii got that piece - 16 pieces of glass - my ftwst projet« Nowt 23 years latr bis hobby bas become a fuN-tne carter and hes commlssiond ta produce pitres for custorners far and wide. He says bis watt is unique, and encourages people ta corne out ta see It firsthand, sénce his anfime website simply daesVt do glass justice. Mis wort along witu that of same painters, will be on display at Walies B4Iacsmith Shop. Meanwhile an artost wba's rnaking a name for hersef &crass Canada, having been ac- cepted into more than 70 jurîed exhibitions, wiii dîsplay her work at ber Second Line stu- dio inu CamrpbelMvlle. rua Ntwlove has, receîved many awards for her work. uncluding an Award ai Ment tram the Saciety cd Canadian Artists. Mler abstract ail painting Uted Organêzng My Mmnd is in tht City af Taranta's perma- rient collection. Newlove, wluas one ai the cane artisis lIn Tuibe of Ont, wlll also shirt ber passion far performance art. Tnibe af Ont fuses together aid wortd culture with modern artistlc ex- pression. Thty create innovative, cross-cul- tural performances that blend sound, dance, performance pulnting and staryoelllng. Cuttie. a scuiptar wbose own studio is ont of the stops on the tour, suid Milton residents are lucky ta have this calibre 0f artlsts living here. 1It's wanderful the talent is ta varled stuc suld. 1 thint lt's anc 0f Uic reasons the an- nual studio tour 's soa successfuU Part of tht success may alto be attrlbuted ta the allure -o the behind-the-scenes 1,ot - wltnessîng artlstry un motion. Being able ta sec art up close and hands- on gets athers exclted and lnterested irn art Cutte added. »Tberc's art gong an ail around youC the sai. Ta sec a compicte listing 0f the studio tour, go ta httpi/ Julie Stock con Ne reoched otjsok@rtonco- or on Twtter ru/ton- musin q. OEMKN SELF CLIAN oVMl *cub a*wà I A 22L F. BOTTOM MOUNT FB&R "*Begy SW Frues Duw -tem -AM PMS ý0 * 6.7 Cui. F. Stuper Cact Plus * Enet enaué eN nd * Dng~ cyIAN