Opinon - 'r - - »uIsha.s 555 -X» OMt aIII Lt L9T 5El t> mflr ris an honour and a piv# to be theommunt newspaper of record for Mitton sinoe 1860 Nexs week. Octaber 6 ta 12, is National Newspaper Wek. lt's an opportune time ta reminti readers, busi- nesses, gavernment anti the community at large exactly w?, riowspapers continue ta matter - be- cause tht>, do. n the case of weekly newspapers like us, we're a refloctiori ai the communitees we caver. Nos onl>, do we provide fair and balanced reporsing an the events thas shape Milton, we also celebrate shose who mnake oui cammunîsy a greas place ta b. and we roll up ouf sloreves anti get involved. When nocessar, we exorcise the preragative ta challenge the. things that neeti ta b. challengeti. We're bore ta sa>, that you. anti the things impor- tant ta you. master. We're the anis who caver sctioci funclraîsers, church baimars and Christmnas food drives. We pub- lish minor league sports reports. We partner with local businesses and associations such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Down- town Business Improvemens Area ta promos. and strengthen the entrepreneurial mon and women wha have chosen Miltaon as tht place whore tht>, operate. Our announcemenss and classifetis contain a ton af information, froin local services on offor ta public auction notices ta tht dates anti locations of yaur friends' stag andl dot part>,. We also caver the big thîngs from a dustinctl>, MiI- son point of viow andl devoso resaurces ta develop- îng in-depth feature articles means ta inform anti engage aur roaders - ail avor a cup of colee. Members of the dIorial, advertêsing andl admin- istrative staff participate in cammunt>, activisios wherover we cen. It's an honour andi a privilege ta Ut the communit>, nowspapor af record for Milton sînce 1860 - andi we look forward ta contînuîng shis partnorshép for a long trne ta came- ifertage [Matt-ers Above 1% a panoramwc vîew oi Milton (rkim the top ni Twnname Road k>oking east ov<T the Milton Brick Yards c. 1890. Th%, bnick ndusrry employed mort dmii 200 people ait its peak and wr. oi provincial %îgnlhicance Production ceaird tri 1974 mnd akthough no trace rrmrnin of tht brick vardis, -,oine t othe bineM brick in Orntario was produced in Milton Hcîght-s A rnw tif hnick wnrkrr< outage-î smu exisu on Sut"r Awnnr or.- posita ['ru Road. -Subiurd ('v Htruagc Miton and Mihon -i stoulcaI Socwry I seehat all the fuss isabout. I took a Zumb?* task. Th. hmgh impact movos cari also be Fitness class donc in low impact so Zumba* Fitriesi is at the MIItion suited for ah l fness lens, Credit goes ta Sports Centre instructar Claudia Lapez for lier oergy, Tuesday. efijsiasmr and obvtous qualifications It was pari of 1lhad ben told it might take me a few the commit- classes to re the bang of it and kt wilt. mient I made Asl1got thudft wushadet rnwtoIDkop September 9 ta up lamig andi falcwing the. noes, but living heoithier the wilfftnpovntinie. through a sen- lm glaW I trieti it. I mgit naot havet bal Il sible balance aidé not been for tht Try 3 For ro' progras. proper eatmng Kwus MIcd Neres how the program works. Untt Oc- anti exercise. Managîng Edîtor tober 31 ait the Milton Sparts Connre or 1bâti heard a lot about Zumbt* Fitntis ilton Leisure Contre people cms er4aw and was curlous ta soc what the fuis was thret froc drap-ti group rsautI ail about. Tht Town of Miltons'Try 3 For clasts or visits to tihe we.tt iaoiti. Fret' program presenteti the perfect op- For a luit lint of ftnesi and aquafit pro- pottunity to gîve (t a shot. grains, set the fsIli'int drap-sn idueil- Tht class - describeti as moving ta exot- ules avai ta* Town facilities andiww îc rtiyttims set ta Latin and international mnilton/cu/recruation. beats - was a lot of fun. The best thirig Hmm... what shoiti 1 twy nat? Tba? about ît was thar it wasn't boring or re- Cardia Mlx? QIJicI Cors? petitîve like I Slnd exercise can b.. I gos a Karmen A4M cmn be recchad at kmicel*mÉl- qood workout, but it was ns a dauriting tonconodionîchompvaco. Mh.rSÊW Fa 9O587ê23B4 n atuhthtr uosraaz 1- VP - Gmtp Pvahoe -a- -fl~ mus dAaww Eau> Un s ~ a -Es urne as v.a oea mn w- u-*~ a n il mai Bt 90etMf oc wnr am tn wn av~ s asaamW w a e Mrelam RMw O fn. m.n 'le a lccna1-11-' frSi$*Aodb caUe-à Aoa4 -_ um-- -1i.ý 1F 6 %WxMW Fa&àa ^