HaI chefs team up Wtt kical Ilfarers ui tay A à E s-un i to 5 pin. Participants will b. invlted ta simple food and baverages. take in live music, wagon ridas, booths faturlng local artisans and spaak d.rectly ta fis-mers. Vendons frm local agritourism and tounism businesses wMil aIse have dmsplays on site for attendees te visât. The featured chefs, (armais and vendais in- cludt: -Cari Dii and Julia Marina of Ritomao pah'ed I t 99%O Cooking THE S Btt S1 Once cons ldoed mgqpaPrt of the dlety fringe. eattng Gk*n4e ho grown exponenflay am the poot Ove pars. Jloln us at The Ham~lo Spector as we explore with experts oeud hduty uepresentatiws living guktsr4re rn the Grecter Hamtnk acm. Panelists bicluding Nctumpathic Doctor & 1tlc tr,*Ulanist hvm fthe *donClWtc of Noturapc i!!lc SMmts Ns,& -a h Honm & Distict Association of Chefs and Coob and baid aum oftedng gkfle4 plductu *O be on bond tl educotle. ansnoe questioru pucMds lood d onxwvao and gkion*ee produdis. Tilets$1000 Tckets avalabl ontin at wuww.goooolcdngc or et Wd Nsn Know US.sy, Dwnas Sfl U Fne Wbts% Gisiv - flou eQploe Food ~ M ofAnalt Sah9rda%, Octobo 5.2013 11:00 am -3:OOpm The H a0 n - a .CC00--duýw WATEIIOOWN CUNIC e ALLLRGC A cullnary avent that brings together Hiton chefs and local fuars Mil b. held thés Sun- day a? Country Hadtage Park. ilarvest Hilton: The Faim ta Chef Expert- enca @ Country Heritaga Park wlll b. Halton Reg.on's inaugural agrltourlsm event wlth a portion cf ticket sales supporting Hilton Food for Thoughr. whécli allers nutrition pro- grami 10 utudentt. Featuring chefs, firTms, breweries, winerles, cidet producurs ard vendais, tha avent wMO -M with Paul bousfield of BousMed Farm and Ryîn Marshall and Marinsa Jessup of Mar- shall's Real Furmets Market * Adam Mackay of Paradiso pais-ad with Heath- as- Friser of Wheelbarraw Orchards, pearfarm- ar Jeinie Bsilack, Millet Syrup nid Ide-wood Honey * Tebias Pohl-We"r M* Red Canas Bistro pais-ad with Agrarn Mans ccakâng o.Moowrs over an open fin. and Heidi and Bob Trsnwi* of Stanbaven Fas-ms * Mark Brown af Mohiawk Chop Moine pairSd wfth Ellie AndersSon f Gypsy Ridi Homne- staad and Wi Lambrlc of Susy Uts Faim Shop * Scott Balley cf Compas pairS uldi Arw Macdonald cf Featheitons Fam and Mcli asnd Jane DiGéolam ocf DiGbrmo Faim * Pete Niculescu of The Niald Spicu -aie with Stephen Caro of Monaghmn MuAih- s-oems and Hutchhuson Faim * Mark Duncin of Unison CcNsgpaérs wlftl Susy Utzs Faim Shop * MitthfV FootfO Ollwer aid 1111ta - ca mtd GrlUpb - t %au &id eSul UKByMcG of Mapicairr Faim Oder vendors hicludtr Chesse dau Ohwm Big sumd WInus, Co Cnt Efl -Vwy Konan&mMfVbfleS«kflctN dicomba Cidsry, Bett r-m@ràm S J , O~~omfls apftD«Un OptometTisti or Susse in% IX sew sam ni aid OrtTfhn Sleeaanecof MseFmmi Fys Cire WlN Once -gw tàla psnti d~w*Sw Sérh o« aesu.knge On Tumsdmy, Oct S - Wfd 5W 0" - ISe cptoeuls il derms *0freu -M bu ta he%, thre tui #M fS me peoe wadSwvidle Meo -e blndic « dWmk.hupekd sneçiy because tuey dasnt hae &mm te q 'niAi aWisss. INt marks *0i nwmi yerl oa MOe Fani- #y Eye Cars wl psWcOM lne du O ny lbe WMS ;l CWI 0hIIIIIIIpII à& *0 lân -w'--- le stS asao »O-r Jamns Snow PavkwayAnimal <.HA I n N CanmSro Srswig T~aala Aisn and Mmmdi Haryset Goodies and DGs Greenhouisus lias-wtt Hilton MOI pro:vide a tremendous boSu to owr effort te bath support tourîe aid agiculture ini te o nidd Hilon 4-- ~OOS C* Gaory Cas-t Ib-7r spsnal .vn -m MWsSc « ced by tome of HSwf uit pmoi-d rient dut - v»de fN ocal frocs Wheo uS Suqplyfuatil kiedlmmfl. t km* you w0 tnum ie tue bUne cf Mitose adeS wppot ara a imt ew tn o FOCS fur ThugWII roda for Han« Mitoe con b. purdumed cote'l at wwJetotcMlwwe or t ent -»Mi gau dl uec doroetK Mhnbub li $15 ath du% wia Wtfdudeu Ove -mli S« Puotuie UcWs on- bu in, am ms~ 13 pu cm pur U $IZ aid cM*en aged eh "i Umrfa sab jdkk MSM ia le -ln casetu# 30 Netix bugse sdO W4 ar0.M t lefu be Mm mu oru*es M l OUalaki