a X4i mmn" a Presidents Message. a I--- - Iblus nxmth wtili bca wery aammjin tmwn mi th M"to Chamnta of Commrcr. in OcIche we cdcbrae the annrtary cd(the rucorporalnm of tht Chamber 125 yeans stmcg! On Octobez 22,2013. tht Chanta wdl bati a 123h Annawnary Cdcebrahion presenetd 4]011 Canada rmu ai the Milton Centre ti)r die Arts, lis 13 a mnibar uclv ewent where we wil nmwxmraw dx (bantcù hustunc ieta-sooe wîi a nationial her") as oui heyn*te speaker, Gcmrra Nid FiHir %h Milton Chantar la honoured go have Ceunid H W 4us tee*e 125 yean Aller Ckerai Ildh&r spech.the M"c Gîambe uS unvedl ns n brand wth support tr»en ea Itrand SostBANG!. c1wâ conununianuns Once aiu prucmnatsmns are dmc puis vU pharlm a cocktail retepteon whcrcw wIrv r wcrvcd thtMita Can 125th Cornavoratwc Wane pronded by PeIee Islmnd Wflur 1 hqsyo. utS ja the Milton (Jiber of Commerce st du nwnaW ean 'The Milion Frm&e Matru elera anodinr Ummsd wfl tir final mat happcung Ssunlay Octoher 12!$ ow " and en;ovy Ontanos honnIs' - r)u cas aise stock tmp *sr wins& A mc market dcas nol happai by muecli. nt asthrougs tht efla ofCtaL cuMons Il'n#oq *êod b. amoflmmn ai vendai dam - amr "N ta pvovsdeuh dwrau wttud a q1Ç SnuyqMgnndqaoa Ou buaoie &oMd of Dùtm I Gâra bfflm mhu la tir Scholrmp Ct StCAlMm Ante Doùqfmikcnd Ct.I odorwh h (> t u du*g tendof cir ntta Md evner wtt dao s04M the Mta - e Vag 0& r bes lis Ont!, M*ttwn ta *Min~ yS -t aul 'kw sqnwgab n Femm" PS. -an tht M"An uer ofcemuoe tIlSo 9 f-M 1 SS MERCFIR&MRIR *U oMea Accotuitng forw uyuals" moporaton * Pinxam ni RSrnt hra*w * Esafr RuvÉf* WihaMece. NfCGMA. Cf? T 905-876-Il se cmmcw SreetF 905-876-42 » Mlon Osarlo. lIT 213 WW.iWme lfttCCIIÙCCj 44 09 4 251 Main Street Liai. r Milto, OnWio LSTIPl - 905478-058 htntton Cbna PAN DÔRA7 GUCCI -iueM - 6 7 T ' [W 2014 Ford Eê'ape 1 Preted tes'IDO Canada Trust Wk ft n" çe*cGnd Pa& ts Tuesda Ocusber 2z 2013 Miht)n Centre for the Arts Wenesday. Clcher 23.2013 5m PM 7MN)PM Rad Rodien Spnt Da n Tup Hisse SSO Ontas Si. S C.ursa Welcome 't TUESDÂY. OCTOBER 22.2013 MILTON CENTRE FOR IHE ARTS KFYNOI F SPEAKER CkERAL RICK MILLIER PRESENTED BY TE) CANADA TRUST =m WedntueadnDuimcI 21 7:30- Ci4oeoeu Gu rW Re$inI Rd 25 N i(auà s Mu, 10 Smpfli" lm Cesaid Pd*£ $0 (pou HMT "dSebs Ub la Tues6, Nombo 2&.2013 5:00PM4 7M PM Cohnd e br:S iestsm Phu Mutait him nd AUaoeku gw tSm 161 IidmohDL Te21 C"fSC & n(Dt Cerera P"-& 10 (pba KHM kftlshflUWtM lbeady. Na~ -0m 2013 S-M PU - 7W0 PU 12.-hasb fr Sm Wsn Vhs hmn Md a Absl t flgi 161 Cleduba Dr. I ec a ~1 251 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T iPI 905-878-581 info@miltonchamber.ca M 11JUIN ww.miltoncbamber.ca www.esarpmentcountry.ca - Upcoming Eveuts NOW Funt'A* Satw'dav mrrknînp until Oc-toter 12 On Min Suler! trwcas Martin sire andi lames Street b.Nc Swuhp..swTa rI'fle WbS Andrer Sitala. senior Managr.ý &Snmn L)evdopnan ai Town ft M thon Octu&br. 3and ttober4. 2013 10-3OAM I200PM SOLO OIr