By lutt St"k provide a bonding opportunity with other 1 5w sald dcopite IlksowIqfor mnany eln #Mt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF cancer suryvmr and famîIy mnembens tao ler sterls cance wasrtn tab it dlW t W are dligq wlth uimilar flories. hlp ishen she wu bac" wtthu utah. Franes AMat tif las been an emnotia In ArarUts case, sl be walklng - ulong Tht saine can be sadW li er nephw,wo 1 rlleroSuter li 2013 aller SIng lier suise wvitf mor thun 50 family memnbers aid jsite descrlbed as young. haduom, Iovd by and a nephew to cancer. friends - in mremcry of ber 01<1er sister Josle everyont andi1n the primne of bis Iffe The Milon womnan lias long been an advo-' CastelS., wtio dîed of kidney cancer on JuIy 1 Mnania, huvng bemn touchud dlrecfty by cit of the Canadian Cancer Society, but thist 16, and lier nepbew Frank Caputo, who died cancer wlien she was 36 yens old, sald shfls yearls epeliences, have made ber speak evut< of stomacli cancer on Mardi 12. shockmd by how unlcliaigcanoe Sitta the volunteer committe. chair of the Guet Ride N Stide emnt whuchl 1be hetd,2 M to A týfLZ Sunday Oct 20ai Country I4ertage Park trm 1l a-m. ta 3 pst I-l 1t ln the pa« the oven was named Takng Steps L-RiY0TRý __Aq Ire-iut Cancer and thetformat was a p 34un or S-km waIk or mun around Counr" He~ag Park olwdby hot soup oenter- taine midf "pims in thtbain. 'This yeu, organinurs decided ta change the event ta the Great Ride N Stride ta giN pua- pie the opporuty ta ride their bite, watt. rn or rolhhbade rotes ranglng betneen 5 Fundi slnid wil now go taward ail types 09 Frances Anale US pubiMi . Cfl m n cer rsercli nSt fuit bitait canc«t as wel 7 N 516,d fondrisSe flwWmUWUt uwmrn y - spport loci prograff n m yk eries ak5i89 97 o!MI tmi ilII laanaOd cica1Nre a cace patients and " iles. Mania said vuider evers Me diS ont u*l * TOYOTA GREAT OFESON MANY 2013 TOOAMODL -- 20 ... 13 TOYOTA RAV4 4.9% FOR M4 lUT FINACE 1111 2513 IOUl IUItIU 2013 IA IUSI 513 Imml ANtI GG~~~Ftimsmf..mue GNommuu.r _________ _fI~ ~ ~ FAýNFFATMLOON IO ' T I 1sras~aahh~bn psu fsptdi~ es qw ousMu f s id<s etiteSdc iqISu uaebuiTe O YO~atTrU u A 'aNUIWt peulatl~ etsaaot #y blfbi lue clp WeU amaSÏW dI uASp fl a as aashssaakPeS IaiaiaglOe teIam d31 03-f fusenflmrCiiCiff coesa iNw f~rau. a uoepsd- - lu RÔg 4u paftc pSae.Si.Fa 'osshvul Gt~ eri isu0d Imi(ksi 1213ts es*gI acaeehSSia ilob"u aua Pmà- u m on VA** Ua dame qe #bacau OSa Ipa1M SamuCb Ipe *CoCM h