c, r4<'4 Q t' F UnNersit falis ID be held in OakviIIe Senior high school students cati learn about On Tuesday; tram 6:30 To 8 p.m., tthe school that post-secondary opportunities await will boi the Atlanttc University Fair, whcrc thcm at a pair of unîversity information eve- representatives tram Canaclas East Cast riings in OakviIIe. unwversitôcs will be present. rloly Trinîty Sccondary Schooi will boit two The (airs wiIl pfovôde an oppartunîty for stu- .aniversity faîrs in the gymnasuum of thie dents and ttieir parents To speak anc-on-anc )akville ichool at 2420 Sucth Lin.. with representatives tram the univefsxies. Grade 12 students train Cathoic. public and In addition, students who are îrwerestcd in pýrivatc schools in the Niagara, Namnitton, Hal- learning more about specific proqrams ai- on and Peel reglons are invlted ta attend. fered at the past-secondary level are wtt- ronîght tram 7 ta 9 p.m. l-IlyTrînity will hast corne ta >atn. rhe Ontario University Fair, wherc ropresen- For more information, email guidance coun- tatives tram ail 21 unlverutles i Ontario wull selar Charles LoPresti ait lopresticehcdsb. be present. org. i i E a c-> ce c 'n c I - St. John Ambulane Medical FkstRpandvlwflmtfo, rtViai~ug Rcpac, Ast 4ey Mithl, JOSNITuCIe< ani "m Dlnio "hw üwei tsUn An&rd UeyI kIqbw~ltu it â Fine St. John Ambulance volunsrs we rec- ognîzcd last wveck with awards for their efforts in attempting ta sawe peopWs lines in to tin- cideruts. Th. finst incident was on Septemnber 1&~ 2012, when three votunteers of Saint John Amhuilanrt- Milton/Nalton 1411kç Medial Fuî t Respander Division were statianed et Chudleigh's appt. tarrn for a special event. Thcy responded ta reports af a womnan fourid unconsciaus in the washroom. Milton resîdents Joshua Tucke, Ashkey Mitch- ell andi Julian D'Enrico (auntheUi woman andi cancluded that her vital sigas were absent They starteti CPR andi then useti an automnat- cd externat defibrillator (AED) for il minutes- The AED was attachedi but no shock was ad- viseti. The three valunteer ratateti, continu ing CPR and msonitoring thc AED. Whcn paramedics arrived on the scene. the three worked in conjunction with theii until the woman was transported ta Milton District Hospital. Tht patient dîdn't survive but nanetheless, the efforts ai the thrcc ta sone a lite were no- ble andi deseurving of thuî special recognition, saiti St. John Ambulance Oakville-Milton and Malton HuIs Branch manager Wim Baîier. Tucker, Mitchell and D'Ernico were given life- saving awards andi Att) pins. In the e cond àwidnt; Guegary &p.c aidc Vusoenm Ckerc bue Sam John Mgnhùno Mlamt-vakcn MM Medkci Fou -epne Division whkaeuM oee et Un 2013 boetia- baruCar*wwkTorcainAaqatentu -er dlsptfdnnraspoanddnaw 1%w1l -iidi nman wh la balln (min a parad flou ubd lied bemn mn cm by a nbice. k#rvhig frit on scunt the ff - <nd the victini unresponsiw and bus v" itafns nue absent Acco.din te Sauent police inftiard CPR but Cirera soan tock cmiw chest o¶nsr whlte a Tarante EM meéic. assineti Sirectt by Ropac attempted to estabilif an advanceti Riper and rthe medir mradle two Menets t1 cstaish an airway bodi fadling due to the victim's ntmnsive trauma Ocera camntS chcst compreskms until EM attecheti mid inîtiateti the use ot an AED wtthout succes. Repac tlicn assisteti wfth back-boarding 0f the patient It was a difflt location ta wou inas botr were surraundeti by hundretis of bystanti- ers. Bauer natedi The. vKItM dkuV suàrvive. Due ta the hazardous circurnsranccs. bot mnen werc recognized with the gelti Iifsaving award. The awards we presenteti during a ceremio- ny ait Country Heritage Park.