-w L hlrà Maoir 40W -s rd prenne mentffs of the Maillo Masters and Mtgbty Triions swlm clubs -. loe frw te Sw$m fou Et fundralser las! weh at the Mflton Luusure Centre. More tdma $IOAMWI -' mtd - wlti funds titi cornung li -I support cf former Marlins coach El DEm- Itrw. whds battfig bon. cet The ovin? induded two swlrm sessions and a receptlon at led DevklnWL CIockms. hram bottom ef t swlnn of psît and prisent take to te poo for sorns fam Front LSah McCalg RblJt VUlliaro EiIy StaN and Claudia Latine have sorns fun ln -t. -o taws Goanins 0MO mand lane Mlhale meu tandon Paralymplan Suammer Moier Madei eneêu <MU and >utli.e Lapes show tiet1 Love EfIVTshé*ts dma vm r mode p tIt if# t' "h e' t a1 Wl I 'rG 'v rommmu,.-àmà v Waoimi MMgtpURI po&eetofnhmur Tom of Ofl pos. Ux M ds*nnetd b you -m GgiW mSoxm. Tfe we san d uleb .pOoeU mrv'c tram CanaS Poola he u conwnt way b u u* a dWofrbiUM SSamflsni a esgaiM docwnnfl. On. -m O.. -I Ompeoio- I Sient up today et Opost ca. For mom àiwttn,* v wnitnoem or cone dm Tax MOuM4mat W.4ndIon.oe o« 905-4142. Th. Town of Mtxi wN b. upgradn t pem systemm mid prcgaam regidration as -w of il* rsgula I ~uintsn he. ternporay disruption ma pitaeplaco: Sui o., OohabO 13, Spin& le Tussds, Oer 15. t» p.a *In-perun dott anid auedit p.ymoet u1 viol be maeat al muncipa farie. for aM flnaactions. *Ci and csque paymet MI bu accepad, but prooessing my b. delswd up ta 4 dsys. * QiUn parking tickt payments wl flot bu ana nnsz 9054m7m