Bly Jolie l« CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF 5A hsîc Milon cemy th n n; f ear flm rexpete aucenton ofi film __bas some 75 gaviesh ore nwtes nai ain t rh -n a shado wolltred lotpekes Mture cemeperts, s iglly ato failmlo I roningus cltos tao the origmnal DeFores bametea. SOPS fed nteearh-erer brid SmigSiy ai sesingd thtr ceeore iraits urn og ndo Iceelsnge ta wnle e amiloaes o ther wolngto rsoeDFos af tiht headstones, Smigelsky pondered the hisîoric graves. Many of the markers simp>' say"mathef whiSt severai otliers indkcate that chéidcror are buried thers. On. of the largeit tombstanes is that of Wil- liamn Campbell wha disd July 16, 1886 at 75, and bis wifs Isabeila Campbell, who died No- vember 10, 1903 ai 79. Severai smallsr stones lie around the grave and stmp>' statP 'chîld. The cemeter>' gai ils naine from founder Abrahamn DeForest and bis wifs Elizabeth, wha smigrnted from New York Stats an tht early 1800s and made their home an a 200-acrs parcel aU land where tht cerieer> is locaîsd. Arnrding ta Ruidlngton Nistarical Society' rscords, Abrahams fater Ismat, one of thres brothers wbo wsnc te New Yark front France iri 1600, was a Loyalîst and was imprisonsd with Ns son. Whale tht>' were antempîing ta escape, Isaac was shat, but Abrahamn escapod ta Niagara-ori-the-Lake beore settling in whaî was then named Nelson. Records show Eliabeth rece4vtd the Waiker's Le and Der- r>' Road Iand front the Crown. Other scories in the cemneey include naines Iike Thomson, Swseney and Campbell. Fellaw SOPfleld researcher Steve Gercer said based on bis rsearch, masi art prominent farnils Pic from the Milton aea tram 1849 to 1910.L One of the larger htadstanes os that of Ceorg Shields, wbo <lied Decembe 11, 1853. Arodi- 51' 11for John Harris. 'Tht cemsptery bolds the romains oU est>' set- tiers *t liais part af Oritano wbo forged aide and buift a communfty hue, lis sUd. Ibheir place of rest shouid uiot b. toUt in sudi a de- graded conditionf» Most recognizable ta thoi drMng pant te cemneter>' along Deri>' Road il toi> ts rust- £nt cuit mm ancer tat encloses ons vimsleh gravestans cfia Swuonoey taiit mierber. Caunculor Qndy Luai wbo mepoesents Wd 3 wtasre the center>' bs icateet sUd "h wp- plaints an>' arganizatian tda sets out~ go ttse onisuch atask. Th litsot ta repaît adupgmad the cernerai>' isuiuIn «whTown% bwioe. she s"d à w ltsNoomumyhku.$0Many of te. i udilnow oweSd W ortudo b>' the raton oU ths taanaleo W11oe* tut nseà tf Wbsdonse is ouftidset tWnra"budg It abne s hi*r p0uonres eme iete 10ns go the ten er Candr Laa>au stainiesa tern bars an the castes etiges 5h. said tore am four otftor tl* abm- daÉ mned cemeteuie li ber muti Sons &Xa *os canthk*cit A non-profit ouggniaoi 5095f bas n-e Itîgated gtsost sig*dkag ai dhs 0.PemSu Mo- iuser Cechrnuin w ou SM kson f 1e NMSZ Il a4m&I a-l"i Commnlty lnput Ewent October 22, 7:30 - 9:30 prn Milton Sports Centre (Banquet Rooni) 605 Santa Mania Boulevard Corn t0 INa 00e11on t0 provKIde int tt key msue. Volas yaur opinions on bom the Town ai Pllon and tse Millon public Lîbrar>' can improwe your ommunlty fltes, pragram and service. am a Ses Contact Denise B"ad by Friday, Octater 18 (contact Whifamo on fltN) -f Pskqmod MWi Updats *Towsu cf MIon:; www.mlton.os M illon Public Uîbrry: -MM u K~-jSWm Wm nc -l Wvld Laudia Unlverly la piseS be parler wtt the Tat ai Mit -as ri Mlan -Public Ubrary la prou tm SU Laua" MIN: ta us» Wb Upcomlng lecture: *Octobor S: Whmue Did MU The Balle Boules Go? Cb.mophba. PrecautSon nd Poinh CanadWs DeciSon ta Lt OPA as flMd' oNovume 13: Supeduro Comnica andi Why W. ShouMd Ca Abou Theom *December 11: Globloea-tian and as Universiy Preau br. LAS* a% F-undknmg peSr ln Pubklcbry Siqeporwn oes*tsmna *ML Mila Carmdle QarwMa, rtVCGeCOc Cop To Regisir Viii uWw.mltoe Or w t 1 Ut&M Pd* Utxw t 90S75UO