ie depaýrÈn to open new headuartmt ir Ridnsaenvtdth ofica non of the riew Milton Frie Department head- quarters/Fire Station 3 at 610 Savoline 8Wv. this Saturday. Opening ceremnonies -- complete with a hose cutting -wtHi b. held from 9 to 10 ar. TMs wi b. followed by the lire departments annual open bouse in horiaur of Fire Preven- tion Wèek fom 10 2 p.m. This yeur's theme is 'Prevent Kitchen Fires and Get Cooking with Fie Sifrtyl Th en bmouse wlill include a variety of i k @,, safety activi#es adeonstraulons, sucb Ias a milni-combat ch~allenge for chldren. .On hmndl wl be an lnfiatabi bouncy lire truclc and the Miton Fii'e Deparuien mscus There wsiIl also bo a ftee barbecue sponsoied by the Optimist Club of Milton. Donations wilI b. accepted on behalf of the United Way of Milton. Wiuh limited paring. visitors are encour- aged to take Milton Transit or park at neégh- bowing Lumen Christi Catholk Eknementary Schoo (w4 Savolwo Bvd.. B.- 416-253-3558 I~ [>,!, , , ýI