Ian~ Budnadanigedin fire tcargo van tita caugh: fire inUide a building A cargo van park.d insde was engulfed in onLawson Rad Fildey noght was dustroyet flaiaes Milton Fife (epanment (MFD) officiai said A iptinkier smsem hetped 10 coniain the analarm ciii came in just Meore 9 p.m. at bine. Sunsnt Docks. iDamages to the van and the building totalied - bnfirefighters arriveci they fôund heavy $50000 to $60.000. ifsmoke and forcad their way loto the bulld- MFD investigators sai a cause hasnl been ing. deternîne4. EA§ lins been dete.cted in southemn Ontario- The fotfowing counties are in the regulated areo: Essex (1), Chotham-Kent (2), tombton (3), -Middlesex <4), Elgin (5), Huron (6), Perth <7), Oxford (8), Norfolk (9), SBruce <10), Wellington (11), Waterloo (12), Brant (13), Holdimand S(14), Niagoao(15), Hamilton (16), F-aiton (17), Peel (18), Toronfo (19), SYor (20), and Durham (2 1). BD regukft.d anao In sotlem Ontarlo EAB 15 a destructive insect thot spreods to new oreas when înfested wood is moved. By federol regulotion, anyone moving ash tree moteriols or {îrewood out of thîis 21 -county reguloted orea without wriflen permission from the Conodian Food Inspection Agency may be f ined or prosecuted. D@N" MOVEl Fi E W@D For more information, visit www.Ins Ncton.ac.ca/¶s *,aM Csudn Fond A.oWaêun UrU -m Iopce&goncy lpdideamo Canada -C0ninS n yctM Gsaswepddy S ouu*rur &*Or anà bi*quS Sdn BBIU foSUeCe Driven to exceed your expectations. Rankad "Hipheet In Customer Satisfaction with the Auto Insurmince Clulme Experience" by iDO. Power, *Na~ - fnw mv t~,U. 4v'~- h NIL"' i#tfl bIu*II, Eh its,3 ln lb. Mon Mai ou -7~4 Hm and Auto Insistance ls uodermtls liv tBf (neral Insurane Comipany. e'Taeulto Royal BaM of< dftdd Liudtl nd licene. UC Isnuance ct" hst in ttve 0'top'earv lo- Pwer K1 t Caeai hut (e,, Stuy- S>!udv bâ%ed en 2,455 total uwwopses. ran*ug a ~nsa" provtdstne-sws 4t lls *o tnlbshi thf4flso5tpr. rnad,,l std tnr ourasicvusawuaïus rprearrèr ba-i#ulron îqeun~augtcu t-I l'oCS r% yluu lu'cp 2 01 Your el pre1ncnc 'navali Visut4po"rcon%