Naati oelebalon cornes Io Mifttn MIhoWs Gujarati Parivaar presents Novratri Navrati is à feftival ini Irdla" dctbae Garba and Raas witti Garba King Ptarnesh several times a year, based on the kIua caieri Naic on Sunday, Oct. 6. da. Garba is a foinn of dance. This is the firt time the event has corne to Tickets cost $10 in advance and are free for- Milton. children aged five yeafs and undur." ft wlI b. at the Teetro Conference Centre, 121 For tikets, cati Shfpaî Sakarla 41 (416) 804- Chéshirn Dr, f-rn 6:30 to 1*30 pr.4264 orWVial Pandya at (905) 464-3615. We.. f ight ail cancers 2:&l" I la ~ - Nf 21! 8PM m FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 Milton Centre for the Arts Tkbbgs fvialt Camr Box Offor CharpyPho.MN.8.00 o« Bqy 0O4n-U 24ff uwImoe Dmop off or mail your .ntry to The. Champion - OU5 Indlustrtil Dr., Mlfton, ON LOT SIl. Draw 4prm M@nday, Ocbabr l4th. 7189 563814 241828791594 5121831914761 c~) c 9