Hlilon Heuidcar So Dil f HOPtfWflW WIS Tht-VFW mrsdswlopmem st anb D"Tu %%Mf ad OI misais dmeemuw*i ey mmdub a hvu flhrtwem Long-T. Cm t onsu M t #mm.mgf HoasptIs sauce id flUet -mmmm in Alhi mlw mtwom.â*bt t aprmcs as id usmu*Ssflw ifn abi i Thbqse o iSth e ft *Vinb*pacwnç cm pn a im a dsign. biM. fluian theaspr*L a lu7. , ..M Thmibfkv dy>wqsuppori frgtManuidcpk A"y Sd srÇ"qehhfsuIoal y sçpt welnmfMW a ktnfwey fltiot s -r #tmba ban ured wtar Svsatim ............... s>5100 GR ti Shapong h"r Dmu...$1,5W0.01 A spodul* y teinm >w9fiw CaàKvthnê $âounoe' Asoca m W fe a ft M .00 Y ma 4 hu 0i gn Wwm iy Yu~ a4 n chut k out. MWê OM - U& - w Pm ma oeoeê a $4.00 choqu tm mom evscfdw tSon $povneos Anoo. Ut* Domm fkhmon4 Rosme Lavmv< "~ Rois fy Boewwk4s &"t ms/ut woai/ Doibfl &Wd Pm Cou/so. lbnkYosa to th# Uo Cmm#wttwoy of t fbSmu hmHaftoa Heultcr Sevies <HIIS) lias bom aWl ta "udmas spscias sugia innts for 0we Opertin lb>o t Mion Distrc HaspMal (M). A $28,854 gant aseMd ta pwxdias a fotS. uuepe/cslsop bx » OHoogtWt t e Myof ft* MW *Xâdbm suçpos. MDI id nai hav anodo soa otif m tftupTsw hepredom thwbn Iaripraoeéaeù, and aidin tnuxeawdiaf t#e sigic sevic ai 0we Hasitai. For mmi hiamation. pWw slog on ta Stf LOsW. MeSs Dec Repoecsssg Techkaw &M Or. kewn knet Ml/on D~tk flo*ta (MON>) Lrklgir show off met Clm Rooen's foi surgies roo a f'lMd uterwosoepêsoscn -riw e .f* MON wusaNt w puretoe tharts ta the AmS/o Coewrwy Fure WudohmeambIo play #h u1or whou Wwonwwmt w hoptat a hmulfticaofemsiawl ask dmshu ciwm moiab dmn hyOUarmldO. wy istMlscuo dmtho Ou isl*Mp-toç yau sais kh ilhOe To doute mmd>yuo bn a o o ywrmedkabimxpwactm mScSwvd wIti pu Ithe hatg % li s"cS hd d modicaSons bmk u*n, ad as Thi modicaton kgt pidns #w hwalthar »m with mortant infotioS dt il heip -ud you trnont "i cire. ht may also alu ttwm ta any pasti drug untos Phe -" s ta m s eu boit postis and mailt accwa medicamn for piu treaimht planad pant cf adihmg t'a s5r wltI gutthe OW ouit Pabedication istory (BPMH). Thés haine medtation kgi pavkls the fotxmdao fér Medcata kconuiston and is ompared wit curuut k4.awft muiations ai - admnission iranile buwmen dopanînnts aid discliarg ftmun.ia al ma oi opl iMod icon Satuadbonwiyou. Mfnlm ton S Wti eni fl &clw612 »013 à h M ests Awarenes Wd. This anua even ma ustihed ta ope Mk yafCanad0rim otety fmmW u " mds he oaated sgm ü ia dmjl ,*m apoim %h Meniti Health Pragram at F4aton Hsahicar Servce an tu prwwi hoh-uaky chent-centred wmut ta hiidua expmonng modeato ta sesmentalW heaitt iaum. WSerie are ofhred ar0w dieuspa wih speoaty resource deducle ta chikm yauth, aduhi. and seniors. For more hWaertan lag on ta whb" c.m OSI-)ITA Ps