SPICIAL TO THE CHAMPION SA ride to the. hospital to undergo cancer treatinent wIll no longer b. fre of charge at the. Canadian Can- crSociety. Tenational cancer support ser- virecentty announced it wiIl begin charging a Si100 registration I ee To new patients in Ontario for its transportation service efrer Oc - tobe, . Ilf IÎOA MWcMWmoMty to Ira f. for mrnî~o sevice According to the, socIety. the. deco- sion was madle based on the chang- mng landscape of cancer. Wlth the population of Ontuuio growing anid aging, the nunber of new cancer cases is increasing, as is the. nufl- ber of patients neechng a ride to theïr treatmnents. The Canadien Cancer Society has providied transportation to pa- tients in Ontario since the 1 950s and, according ta Tanya Nacon, senior mnanager of transportation with the society,6 this one-dmrn reg- n FALL toque MP Outdoors at Country Herftage Park Hwy 401, juat west of Mton- 8560 Tremaine Rd, Mifton, ON, LEIT 2Y3 Sat. Sept 28 8 amn -4 pm rein or shine Admission $10.00 lndludes Museum Grej"~ frepafn Gr«tfoodservice on méIte Topf dealbrs, lve music, great food. A unique andi mmnorable event Top antique, collectlbl and vintage dearnirs baln g"e findsl direct from the source to you - tcs anmd troUiess loaded to Oie domr with fresh goods. Live eqWrWlgput + grt food chplceo Rockeblly by l'ho <ressomerks, folk by Peter Shaw. AI the usual food choices plus new poutine truck. Couantry Heitage Park and Mus.um Event Admissin includes full access to the park*s Museum of Rural Ontario Lite- Visit 28 heritage buildings and exhibits from early Ontario farm country More info, discounts and directions at www.antiqu«showecanade.com W&ration fée WlU hiip mnainin the 'We know that we went to be able to 4cm this progrm ~O~ Nêxon Smi. *VS hugely important to peo- pie in Otms 1t~s a program thats used by àlo ofpeople ancin many cmes îT,, thmlr ony way of getifg To treatinent so we wanted To ensure that we coutl continue wi it* Last year i dms province, there was a 20 per cent increase in the nuWr ber of people regsterlng for the transportation prograni. »We rffly needed to look at e wey that moving forrd, this progremn could continue,' seld Nixo, who explained thaît Wncooatighe registration tee was a dlmfcult de- cisio To melce. lb. lmst hing we want To do is have to scele bau* on* serices. Tbhough drivers voluneer their turne sNid their vehicles, theyfereWm- bursed 30 cents for every klometre they drive. Lms yeu, the soieIy% Nalton Unit hed 553 new dieus regist andi supparted Z451 people. Tb. agmn- 1cy's 135 drivers drv 3N6A95 hin. IAcross Ontario 15,500 patients receivwd rides To flmui land traweled mom than 12 millan km Tb. inew reghitrn ee is ou4y be- hnq WiMMd in OrIlaro beoewe. though the Cmaabn Cancer So- ciety is a nio" n xj ogam mach province nais its transportation ser- Nhcon said mach patient on average Trave to the hospite betwseen 10 and 17 tirnes, wlich me becom a fridd burden ta saine Wfter thu sy for gas and hospétai paîkîîg. 5he noted fiienciai meed Wfnt thse oniv feason wiiy people avail timri sles of the transportation pro- gramn at the Canadian Cance Soci- ety, *Y» know that often LT's becewe (patients) are just not feeling weI enougi to driv or they re eling unuk drl*mgn duit- whide, h 41t% a pragrarn known by people certainly in thse hospétats and thse cancer centres as beun e vms-y sup- partive envirmunes fur sombody wh.n they'Ie traveêing Thse cfrhmrs ame mof thiros compasson- et.peoieknow and $ey make thse exereno a pienmma one for sommas wl mn *tey'u in a difficult Nixron *is ernphesized that no orte wouid er b. tumned say df they couidn't efrd tise $100 rgistratlon fée. 'Our wsderlying messag hem is the nobody wig b. left be~a se saki. We have a cepsost ps-ograr in place so if sonebody' says 1 carit aliasid it $10 mulc be cwnbursome we wouid 'sot 51% You carft take the service! We wotdd take demý 'Axi~~~~~~~ 7m 1i 7= 77 f.a~~it ~ dReg~tbs l ~ k Otdity~~~~~~17 71 Lr Jnu anI~a u~ud~sU a avLI ~~bu ~ 17q 7çec - -1 bs*i Qs ju.Cds l*u, uj.hthe GWdmn~~~~~~~ --.7; ï a1 1sT7 -f-i iWsfU ~ u ~ PU 1105 llwojt -. o b_._Af a_ 7-c 1fulnLIU s W u . T a sU ___ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 CINU: 8iFm nem 77g uwlsE$suduWh. twdad ~p ut UsrV i77 T~ 03u CA ýRVSIM M T RC - STNDR - MY IIMICIIULIUFAPÉti, IwýlOACINC 877 8205