Stage your hmefor a quksel I todayts real esuate mnarket, a coaS of peinaid a gooid clcaning aven% cncugh fr a quk sale ai top dollar iou nerdîam ispirîhehbuvrs îma#nauion an-d rnake tibm wnî l hvetle - andîthat îs wherc home ntng cones in. Wben stgig.thet:horec wm iha= cari maltir break a sae are the ktcumnuiasaer bedrucin and tarndy mmn. Buyers have the hkgh expecia- nion for these spaues a he should be the puîoruy The famîly recm is ohten the brhmestp on ther tour and »i poewidcs a huge opotffiunuy te cre- aie impact, casily a*AMda$ivqboe - ibis aSw cie- ment crestes an invtîng local point wtt wow powrer If vou doni have an exnrang hwpLace. ekctrnc Mthe way îo go -and thîs change can bc vairs in a flash. lnnovaive ornpa- mms hkr Damplex. for exarnpk. cicfr a number of designr optios for ewzry décor style The plug-rickplay deqgns make mnsiaibena Iz * FPmS - Yauýve heard it before, a lresh ceai aI paint wIt ga-ve >tur tons a ck-an, nvuîing k. kWhite tir neutrai uis a sale bei. but consader cratîng an accent wall urroundîng veut fireplace fortral impact. * emouea NWA ncw mg cari Wflflf up the rmain, and i docsnl have ta casi a fartunt. Check out carpet fàaax Avn3. as >OU wdl usu- MlyfNd ta tenants et carpet dia have been boun-d. A netraa rug will help ta ground thet pece * Acoe# kma - Giran and mod- est is kry-Sipt groupings of pil- lows, candies and frames, and a îhrow wilt miale the space appear polished. but hved triPr3natd pho- to>. ni hait hurt ncandir-s are a nso-no- * FIoemn - People love seeing lave plants and flowcrs in -t aildy rcmnt kgaes a sen-st cfIce and gond eoerg wwwcn&o »W~10metle emwc */1 775 s5,a. k.' k. Geecioppoflunity ta etudd of renowtle êoeuu cm %W snai h Mg*i wS W"< on t-kit bungalowç in jjggt>ae million daor neW)uricdThe Mki 'x Oc248 f<tldceep is loun us esatT. . 10 ci1 l omImeS ncludang walkwng filaub4k Ilhd"soma àcama .a'uDan distance to TTC and lslnglon Subvwuy Don'I w".* "- eim4woff LOS t--t lnfln A.m m Ai bu" mm mm .m aDwmmin cim vm& % miss oa o n ths primie laoon, coltlcxuIol W.C&UW~PZ Gm Ion <moe, @r.A oa.êMU~- a ai AM» cftùacnan NE OffMR iÈf r. aqd Nawy GeruriMuuqw Kay Nen"ai AâetWiq Dr IX WMieVt*rnw Rai E kp PikWtd br The CmammCNhueMa 555 UtaViSlDre. ~,dte, . L9T 5(1 h19 078-2341 Fa. <MS) 87&2364 Aéflbmq as rznthe cmS# nfle * cni" t atunae a txçcaph*.ci sor, th ponmaicfthe aSw flKocasi by teVms ea uun.togqw *4e a rconable alowaoee fR sq'aubc *f nca b. d'api for, butebb*en cfte Mtgunmn *0b. pad lait*te pw*rai The ptwW u w MtN utg cayns "a"« wctm n Illt e il ci twograç*ucing. aG.wituwgguouurwoes alite wnig pmn, goue or ns mqr va notb.e ad >4sflo * rry an of f« lnt i d rnos bu vcwffi an" m %à cf 14 tOtr, Mian aid Dm tÀN s»NS aud