'Dig outOf tt SWîth rrceni suuîsîtcs suggtstîng that mort' - AnauduAnsanirIn dclii andt aktng longer 10 pay It oI aisvtng lairte future iîght serinnext to impssileBut personal finantexe rtsasy thâtilt vint have te nglttsupprt r1anti resaurc - Ies, dîajtîng xyoursclt out tif te md andisaaing turth 1k' u oe mghî nuoilx- t> .rfftultua, vou (lîînk i bie t Is*à iiigt' um it f itCOloit1 UI t erc Itl,%1io b havc a li tif moihm svý, àd the% Zu v(it \ It c' pir oftlct M1rtiaandim et meint M1 uesa:Menduan k>narius liatgt'st I t'idunt Lili B: the traiy is tintwkg 9. îit fti jt! lînan talaim.ux oiis ir i" Aep t, gou, liii», utfinance, ,,, irak -- no naîmer ~wtt tu '.tIr ak halante 1 Iolc ul 5 A ntisîti utli il .îl sa an coach vOu I11 ways uI gel out il ni dk ut andti ini- mu:r Ille it"*nouîî i ofîiî're i nm1vpaxîng on voi CUITent tieN Andi Net>'impoitiaii:l> :1w>ic liNi JM&S CENTURY 21 mi me med to keep your finances on trackM can help yvou cma*e a tralistit budget W ensure vou te living weil wtnhîn mur me-ans. The> tan .dso help you put a plan ti place te save for big 1 îcket items lkea ftirst home or trenovalbtons, as wel as save for Uic tutuie. McndLtn toffers rps te help yeni îackIe mur 1debt anfd 'Save'for vO irlancual future- ( t*;Ile a3 [)rsýoflaltzcd financmal plan Wr NA, ih a :rusu',td lîniaîv. ai adlisir lu creaie à plan I-l hoimt- %x uh vour advta.r and i grc hem the ftull pi.it urmkang sure luiint iode evcrytng. >uch x, da'icaa andi commuuing cosb ts t iiiipoiitant 10 rîle wtht hem ai least otl a Nc.Lrto10rr-r'.aluai' VeUF pLan andtilakean> ;tdîus:nenrs nvtcs.ýary mu krcp 3VU on îrack lu reachîng y<)Ltî tnancial gnik 11&-strategit Pavti!ti ec dcl i:wth t h gl- icNt intret r iaie tirs:, whîkr pavîng the mini- r nu") On til tes:um our dcus once that fîrsi idclii is paîd off- tonceniraîe vour ffrts andi hinds in paying the nexi dcli wuh the htghcst SaeMIIIerTeam JILER REAL ESTATE 110. BROKERAGE LUXURY LIVING MEETS FINE RESTORATION $2.2"9.000 Gorgeous cl S50%s home rebulteseone by stone in 200&L Enjay yenuedayls charm wftti ail of eodays convenâences. Over 4700 sq ht of living "pce. Large principal <oins, custoin kitchen with Nigh end appliances, geothermal heaeing/coolông systein, hardwood %Dcors, two fireplaces. Master bedroom wîth ensuite plus privai. tenrace overtooking 97 scenic acres. Just nonth ofte 401 neus Canpbelvltle. 95 ACRE ESTATE -$S1899 000 Breatheaking 95 acre prlvate citatBeautfully reseored lAIMs stone main house replete wti hand hewn beami & large iahted principal <oins. Long, private dîivewyay winds through an arch o! tram & landscaped <oding groundi. Pool, tennis court & horst jumping pt/track Second haine for groundskeepef rwiUi 2 bedrocins. kitchen. bath. IDYI 1(97 ACRF FARMI AND S1i 98000 Resîored 1860% stone farmhouwà on 97 acres o! muhti-use farmland. Tbis 'Napier Smpson* desîgned home boasss îch hardwood floors. custom millwork and hand hewn beams. AIt the elegance of yesteryear wth todlay's amenilmes! ln-qround pool, cabana, 3 car garqge. workshop wîth 3 phase hydro for hobby enthusîasî. 2 harns. 21 stals wîth ndoor arena, Sand rinq, loafing shed, paddocks -a fully operating equestrian estate properîy' A6It Do ro'cfflme #lITeam in Canadla Jfor Century 21 2012 Our 10- ine earnlng ibis distinctiool trntewest rate. ln west autormarîcailx savng loirte ýu mday tsni dîfficuhif yl ou pi(n ur saings on auto piot Manv hinancaiinstitutions provîde pre-authonized cenrnbutîon ( PAU) plans. whîeh auîomatiuîlly tiansfer funds fami vour chequmng axcouri nt mm >our savin>s tmvesi- nwinl,< on irgular ie-rvals PRAtsý arr a gmai iotA foi eonmnibuttng Eu RSPs anti if yen ta>!- dinate tht'wwnhdraxtais toalaign wîih vour pavday ithe monev wonï ev,.en bcliemssed Make fînanciai resoîuons. Be more proat- tire ab:out vou>i personi finances and stant geitmg urfginiz-eti or the nrw vear nets Determîlne whaî vaut goals are anti work with mxur trusiet financial adrîsor no)w te build a plan that wdll set yen up for tinancial succes nexi veai faite ativanuge cf other sswvsY>ntan gri sainie gmt-at hudgenngatvîce f(min a vancir- tif sî,uites inciuding sofware prgrm thai help yen rack youir day -to-day spending- ",Manv financial institutions tîke Mecndian,. says Stayzcî. "ako ofier onhine househotti Nd- get calcularonthai ye can use te keep track of ypur expenss Mort mfonnaton b saatabk e nline a mendianýu ta E E 8 Ch 50 -r u M2 RIM BtS Tam w.k. a"puftncr ND Lai cing, Appohtmilifl lSflspi $1ISOU .1 r-'rISTYMm. msa opu tw tr 1* gMfl