;"Black Luns' dominate, deliver IMMtock got out to, a slower than ex- To sa Spected start, but pîcked tNngs Up around woui <the five-kilometre mark. Ion< He loi: a Uittie steam clown the stretch, '11jed Sbut SUR1 managed wo cross the wire in fair- un l y strong form. 109 %N SWitd so many world-record runs urider Camn bis proverbial belt, one has ta wonder local Ijust how Whutlock sidys, motivate afe In thi so many years. hadf To that h.e points to the aqe graded tables overi the international runniriq communaty hit t Iestablwshed years aqo. whache belooves Callu have providied a lot of actetI incenuive for attendmnce mistook their name to rosan a whle, aider runners. group of heavy smokers. nongi Aslonýg as I can sti11 run well. r'I keep mn Ifs <namne) a tribute ta the mining indus sée 5nêng.* he said. -I just want ta be able ta put try in Cape BçetarC" explaoned averatS wîn- andi 2 an a reasonable shiow7« nef Dan Way, who clacked inat 1:12.58 to Thi *RivalÎnq Whitlock's individual success sto- beat las: year's top finish -~ by teammate Run F y $unday was the abselute domninance Michael Doyle --by aImas? three-and-a- parai Sof the Tororto-based 'Black lungs' who half minutes. 'We chose the name before lits ir Spulled off a clean-sweep of the haif-mar goung into the Cabot Trail Rtay (nemi Stv 0 :otstp1 3005cm race in late May> thnee years alo mk GImn'n thei incrudul %hnwinq. no nnel - Wl? usually do pretty well ther&l un a dean sweep of top-IO finisheis ythey aiso <titi wa« in own Sunday, di b. a «taggflnIg understatement. ;wEtti sweepîng the. top-TO, the Lw's'haci the top wonwtn finiîher ridsa« Tresser whose 124.11 show- as good enougtt for l2th. >bttvtWs Deste Ayenew was the top flnishr plaun l9th in 1:30.36. e ewnfl five-kibometre race, Milton mu o! the top- 10 finishers, inctudng Iwunn«r -oa McMchot, who, w wre et 17:55. TNrteen-year-otd mn McGoeqor pliacet iÙd in 18.37, MrtOw CampbeNfvâW's Jefrey Cul _ imin and Mltonia Joey Ottoo oo itandi nîth respeawl lIn 20:41 '056. yea(ls avent put on once agin by mgFret, dmew roughly 509 pmnki- everal inclucigea nwnf bw of fi- uthe onê-kibornsre fun run/wutk0I LeaStan cme be noctatd ait sMt*mrce t. ~ ~ ~ u L »cooolTt* At ri*&O.n Wa of wfelttunpm« tu tempe bVRaItte haSeuirtSi. ksmldt 140M% oqU.&» McNkthe wflU 5rts m I Get your aeil spoe exstinairuat durrun w n 0 as610l Magg týiStn * Ab #Mu & & M'plu * bu NuT àý- 41 6e253-3558 __ tmwiteriRust Gtuck wÎtt also ktvlbft «'s 1 1 ---