mamame CampMMIIe's Bums Conservation Area noei named Robert Edmondson Conservlion Area Tht newly-named Robert Edmnondion Conservation AMea bas joined Conservation Halton's pnimary parts Formerty known as Buins Conservation Area, a smali dechcation ceremony was recently held wîth Robert Edmondson and bis famity to formally change the nalae. nler Jdmouviwn -Edmondson worked with Con servation Hiton (CH) for Crf' La.38 yeaus, starting bis cireer as a bîotogîst in 1974 andi rtring as the director ai watershed management ser- vices et the end of 2012. At the ceremony, Edmontison tbanted CH. «I wou$d Mie to thant you for tbis unbelievable honour whicb mny faily andi I wtil ctierislVe said. 'Tbis bas always been ont of my favourite conserva- lion areas andi 1 have rnany fond memories tram this Tht part consiereti a quiet spot, fritures a reservoir. p.cntc: arm andi a 2-km trait through wetlands anti woodt. Gene Matthews, director of conservation landis for the S r conservation authority, saiti for years Bums hasef titberEda.c tp)hm bout hanoewred by huuinl t rme rnis Con- uro e A m n dier Nit Htspitud but et the etfraie sige dus- mg a dicfln cem.ony heldi r«uen4 1h par fesas a reservoir (abrsve) "oda 24.en »L Eênonéson ns a *dwConsrvdo Hahto unployo. andO wusdeica.d ta t ewirwvwntai protection of watersheds in Hition and actis thetii wflffu Escupnun dmning Nîs tur-decade carter as a REGON f {"t ; jit alW CAL. I' I A e RETAIL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITV FOR AN AGENCY STORE N CAM1PBELLVILLE. ' 1<280 RF#2013-I31 ('AMPBELLVILLEs .An excellni business opp«muMaN nw assalable wo euahltsird meai lers în t ampbclhilkc The Liquer Ceaim Beard ef Ostadle <t.Csm r. 'reekîng a respoSable cubwma«-focused rcwsatin opeate an 1,('W) Agiency Store in ('anipellille. TLb quaxfy. the appicti must have an extning. curret> operattng E isail baines M dt coasanny and conn u opcrg tht Agcny dtor flht etaihid ItOU) guodhtws, luà tucite the taie of besage akobol producti. rthe operamor may lie reqwired tuentuer uo çmpnte t-nemrai anhangenls with the t' 1(( andi domeatîc lier supplices The succesul appirani rail alto lt'- requWr to pancipat mu a siu LCBO mcrv«r-traaug prograrn toensure tt rcçornb saler of beverage titubai pnlCta I Strict 1 %2. the LCBO hbas authorueti mor titan 2M0 Agcnc yM site %Q serve com i hnlslai b»c riquesîruiom wrvwr riter the local population n.6 tonai tu support a repulat L.10 or lie store 'lhes< Agent> store are operatet b> local rettalens a ibmi thet exisflng retail btuness Agencv sItue coatracs arc normait> arardeti for a five-year terni Ini tcimniieN wbat te i. cunaîùly an Agenc> mt. dte cootr&î otan expa'>. the 1(13< asi take int cosniderataon 5 the tac th<at nea buanesses in thie comrmunut> mna> have heen esmabshe mdl wiH aliow an oppontunit> for ait hwiiiie.scs in the cobmmuntl> tu ctsupete for the eita fic ear itm _ Operuung an L('BO Agency Store pro'. ids a retailcr a4 ith an ? excellenii opportunit', tu ina-case rexenuc anti attraci .uLNit)nr% w-hile prosidmg local mesidents sith heverge alt'ohol sers ices Agent> %tore also deliver eonumat beiu to the cnnmunity *n mais> case-- thitrugt job crecation end mcreased customer traffie for local rtircahaitts Interesteti businesses must requesi by mal the applicationi package (<r tbis comnpe-utîa liefore end aI busines day, Fr1iay. Septuuber 27,.2013 anti mst quotir the (ollarisi; inlonnamatni RFfl 2l13-131 ('amublvMe Raqu fer Applkatlo Package Precuel mmd Ceuiraet Namapss . (25 I Vamp Sores it 14ê4 Ter.a,4ON MSE lES ln eider to be «musidered for dus busines appoetnity çWwwmt mm aubur go LCBO0 Procuremnu nti (-ontract Mana11gemeul a completet proposai m the requareti fornt bete the clo uin ie oei aim, FrlimY, Osier Il. »1I3.3 Ipa. bocai tise. Late subamimions wîli nut be accepteti ant wîll bc returned unopencti Mof 3;eD eA e..e.