Fundraisng smm emnt te supper I-strkke fome MainsRcach Enf a md EN ORtov gave auntIas houri t servce to the loal svwnnin cornwUy âflog thek years wtt the Moln Marlin Now corns ttw chince to gêv som.thWng Afuraisaing event wiIl b. hutd ont wnlc in suPport of Eh, wtio ea <Uaoeed wtt breas cancr nhwe yens u and has been baulhig cncer ssnct Tue coute ha ostnd ai moicaI tint- maent covured wnder provkiW moecirai tare nd bs naw poeulnýg tretn üwu sit in a.e expedmrentai stage. To hulp psy for tha flmlUUt a funduuisur wtt rnnTusdiay at the Moln Lasumn Cenr. Tmasessions-fom 345t ASSpm.anidlto 9,30 Pm - wtt freti fun relayand swtmt. sweltasa isnt aucioand puzeqffin. TherWs no pre-registration requiredj and tase Planning ta atend are aslod ta donate whaver thsy cao ta lte caus. Those intereatd donstingea uafle priae or si- lent auction Rtem can do so by calNg Stria ksrwutlt *46*47) 449-E673. m~itne moee wards ofme it« Ux Mm sien hae bsen - cash mas t thelwCanadlan Futhiatian ai Unive- ffl aomen MAion aiMisrct Ar*sofmrerfokrt 2012-13 v m o Wtt ho adtudenus procneding to unive- fly Akwtda Uetta of Sishap Rsdlnq -$1,500, adrîn Pcng et Craig Kiiburger -$1.500. EfzbU Shqiut of Craig Kim4- bngsr - SI SOS, NaMa Stuma af Mtto RCing - $ 1 M d MWxnxh Manski ofSMwlp %ing - stAGe. A Ngh schoot stuht procng to calage was alto nlfecxed at the Ernest C. Dury Scboot for dthe Doit who r.cutwed $750. 1'h. amord sulecuion was baaed on acaderic achievemnt vodunteer uni. involvement in tir cwnhnunity and job expenience. Tht awards are funded nach year ou of the schalmnhi trust for wIch hindi are raund ulvough te ionisa Mon CFLIWs used book sale. Sttudents in their lait year ofi hlgb ico are encouraged ta apply in Mardi for tir. 2013-14 awards. For infoonation. v"i www4uwwniftoêctý LIn fl Ab muS la aR nowmchilng nd ooluouy growlng cop tuat bus besom a boer and whISy br's palac. Il houss bo technicSas oquWpmd wit a ns ameunt of hnowlsdp on Srat bon, wNskey. and wordf y affrýThe.tod a uellab Mid tu atmehse Io vey dbet tam wht you tem biorne moquulntsd w9t. Ue Sui Aie Houa has a large selctio of WttS.>t 'i0. malt, tsnded, Bouton, Rys, Irish, Tennes, Canhdia, and mk*idin a*u. NSt a whlky fan? Il won't bu held spinals you. Live Boit Ab Boue b over c 00 lStOmn ballod trat bonsand a varlsy of "it mont partou fldm booue, so wtuts flot Io love? MAN Nr flN -m Avenu, MlAWn uMa ' dyllsu-lam Sse'i & Sundmy CM MRaBRuWMc*îal 905-878-2526 FOLLOW US flOU * G.ta jetta eventl tochooeom. Fkino Rats startng e.t hnkîugAk in, Ac #esiuia *416844 ai &SLE ma $ISW+tMR u.wv Oa....i «$2GOO p" 4 oe~llfr I Vour VWOeMfinafiontinte 1967 1355 Nonh Service Rd W. U:l t8&948,5548 OéivBleVoIkswogOrnm~ z-" - rom