-m pooes olmm mkid Sack-to-chool means back to makîn lunch. WItt t drasnati rime off food allergies uion chik:ren inany parent are cre- fui about t h nto contents for both I thehr ow kits and for theér clnmstes. Fotwm-outM acddlemia nposoees oc.- our awq fron home acccwdêng wo 0"t Canadian AnapWli k$atvP and foodI alerges affEict?7 per cent of t popuia-j tion, or about 2.4 mndio people cites And about 300À00 childreo under 18 have food dlegies. accvrdîng to Anaphy- laxks Caid& Further toluis, about one iewry IOf us tan coUac dîneas. and rmt avoid glu- Majocr food atteign include gknri. nSNk, -enis tree nufts nwswd seuvnt egq fis, soy anid sulpNtes So for parents who have kadi with tood allurgies or wbose children are i a clan- mont wlth kits m¶ccted. the abiity to -rvd sa* and deldcous ullergen4free lunches means pea cf mind for ait con- Mmhi yen, one Gntarlo-based fod coin- pany Is making Ibis tas wttb an ex- panded tin cf glute- and Milergen-fres. deh n »Afte oui successM taunca Wf PJIIkÀ' Sin%*y Fret aNurgn.hf dtti mats laitî yen, ne recelved many appreciative lt- ters anid e-mails front parents, conrnuntyf grsps and associations:.says RMa&Welgtk the diecto f madketng at Ptfer's. 'One motte of two children wththUnit-i ening food allegie wrcte te thant us. and anottier called our producti a 'mnir- ac Responses Mie these provtded on- couragernent to further expand the Une Wo include more Vmiettes off slked meats, wienrs sausages. lian and futly cooked breakfast options» More infomatco. plus rootpo Kimu. Is availaNte oenit at piIIorcomnly- fret.qq.. CO g c t B w ~ e h'Ca J i I I I w on