Abovt- Nik Clartson lets a shot go during the Milton Lawn Bowling Chib' 1 OOth anniveusary cetebrations Auguit 24. He was ont of many club memters who dressed in vflhgae attire for the testrie& Inset Silvia brider wvatcs Net shot. Tht event included flirte rounds of pIe as wil as lunch and a sskent auction. Hawks t.eams fail in prtwindîal toumnament MWTht l Naltcw alk~mite yjish ftupîttli trdli? Mirdu nid Nuddtr. ' suffered adisappomnting finish to asuccessful Spicer'ssrhree-run homnerfueled an il -2 roui U season ini Chatham, each îaking high-stakes of the North Mississauga Tigers and D'Amato gl lasses in provincial champoonship play. had a grand-slam 10, power tht 'Red'Hawksg The'Red'I-awks were grounded 9-1 in theA' tci an 11-6 voctory aver the Waterloo 'Gold' division broaze-medal clash by the Bramp- Ghosîs ten route Io the medal round. ton 'Gold' Blazers, white the 'Black, H-awks Meanwhîle, tht 'Black'I-awks got some top- were edqed 6-S by tht 'Burgundy'Blazers in notch pitching from Leah Marshall through- the finals of tht <B' ranks. out the weekend.E Pitchers Avery Maxin, Emma Beasley, and The'Red'Hawks eame-d four silermnedals attour' Alexandra D'Amato stand out for the 'Red' naments and the'Black'Hawku Sok goldin the'B' Hawks, white offensively contributions were divivion of the Brampton OWit Toumanient and > delivered by D'Amaîo, Devyn Spîce and 'were bronze mediaists, in the league plaot YO%-.UTH AN"%ID JUNIOR KITS c BECAUSE ONE SIZEI DOES MOITFIT ALL! Put. YOUTH AND JNIOR Each piece of equîpment is profesiýoriawy ftted by a PHL Hockey Specalmst, Wxld championship net chaIlenge OTun.nq i epcal trn un msntaining a heulthy pace tihe rest off the nay, Ravunssn-MdCe. crosaed the finish fne t 1*X363, beutirn Ner Lake PIacid time by nwlry seven mninutes anid falling just short of a pensonral bet performnce. 54w may nUd have achieved that Nid sine ot Nid ta ride the luit 12 km of the Meh with a f Lu tire. Persevering with ber foot in>ured on a hflty Mont-Tremblant course. sit placedi ibid in ber 304to-34-year-old womren's division and 2l3tti overML. Ami«t cold, ruinry and hily conditions, in Lake Pacid, Uic crOSSed the wie aI 10:43.26 - gooid enough for sixth in ber age class and 1801th onrali. -l really ddn't tiuon my outcrne would be anrywhere near wtuere o? was in Mont-hrem- blant afier dotng Lake Placîd jusi three weeks eautie< admitted Rasmnussen-Mcee, who credits her new plant based dici wrrh boas? Uug iter overaîl enrgy level andi speeding up beroecovery Urne afInr each Irooman. «I was surpuised, andi pret«y happy« Rasmnussen will beat 1 Konal, Hawaiî la nid- October for ber second would champiansip appearance tin the pas? three years. I <ha6fr - --Y let I W M ~sufna Uflaumuhfah US.aaSaialuaua, hmblh ah a~ flNaaSflnflDRUIM ml*Utal W3191