I e n J' IwM Ký TZlM CENTRE7 22 Ontario St. S., Milton,, ON 878e37777 aW» sas asM nusn bUrs T hf Tak' lb. date Of MY PruwiflgCp Tc Gd Vou mormnlre, se# Fu*lr a" vMonw. Ca#Mt Todwy For A FaUslHmn & &bW EauhMS True pré aof ownup a ime dubosSu comofty hbeoffertý Welmmmta 1130 Conuoration Rd, if youro Ioolaq Mr fthe! perfect sattmg Iis 's the one Pull uç ta Ibme fledncO- -nd @M thelong paved dnvcway haud wt w9h n lceS miapto trus The1whomo as locatd wOloff the raid, As you enterthe doublae dooÀ% youfw wlmed by a Lrge front loyer wgh gaod closet spao lot ce*.M ii&Wboots The homne offert noer rlch dia harwoods, Frnch doo, wuscobqa. mm nmolgu 2 uood bumang frepos and a Uy tnlhedrc-rom, wtt gansarmalTe uparate dmng rooniuN rl my bca atgwtt teccok ai the famîly wtt ea ccos te M isn ktchuThn bisbngN homoe bas a nomer undou, Calfrnéa shuttors, noue fOofiq .updaldes-wéea bfhroom vwtt or- sund glass shows; En"oythec main fm blmiy raom westwaad burn"n firuplace on thon cmld ultur oIt liThe hon me ocs qupped wtt a top net hprotesuaonal uecuraty sysmn Iuiouldoor socurity camem &Wd sons Ia polict Ithe lmrn*y I #Wfnot cnosagtlait a kMa at te wo*shop watt oMr-Sm doors, poure concroeDtoranm yms ils Fnl 4... Accordang to the Kubas Report marketing re.search study,. 83% of households suvveyed in Milton inJ lyer information sources useful in mak- ing buyrng decismons. Fnl S... 75% of our readers prefer to have fiyers delîvered ever Tuesdav, or Thursday inserted into The Canadian Champion. Fat Ot. If you want to enjov the samne response to vour advertssing message thal our numerous regu- lar flycr distribution customners receive. then cal] me. I can help you put tognther a program that wil work best for your business or service. Cmli our Canadian Champion Sale Repreentatîve DianeWOIteIIIIOIUWai 905-78-2341 ext 212 Visit aspe au