edL have% dome it wlihout you ~Halton Region could teach othef municipalities a thing or two about recyclinq old electronics. The Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES1 has named - t a top municipal electronic recycler for working with resîdents to divert electronic waste from the landifill. A total of 483.080 kg of unwanted electronics was col- lected at the Halton Waste Management Site last year. Sînce 2002, the Region has offered e-waste recycling to residents and teamed up with QES in 2009 to pro- -vide them with a free location at its landfill site ta drap off theâr unwanted items. Halton Regional Chair Gary Cari said the recognition by the QES, a not-for-profit organîzation responsible for delivering reusIng and recyclinq electronics pro- grams, is a reflctian of the communitys commitment ta waste diversion and protecting the erwîronment. 'Haiton residents are amorîg the best ini the province when it cames to partîcipatîng in recycling and com- posting programs,» said Cari. »Their efforts keep waste out of the landfll and help ta extend the lîfe of this ver-y valuable resource four more years - a savings of S 15 million for taxpayers. VVe couldn't agree more. Halton residents should be oroud of their environmental comrnîttment. Added OE5 Exec(utive Director Jonathan Spencer, 'We're very proud of ail Ontarians. who have participat ed in municipal e-waste events and utîlizeci drop-off ic<. tions. We are espe<.îally proud of our ton munici pdlitie% lîke Haiton Region whose efforts have raised the standard for the entîre province Toqether. we are helpinq t0 create a cleaner envirorimental future for Ontario" Heai, hear! Jfertae JvIlalers T tciius r' i an~II. lkîîI thi'. uniqut uâ - --.r- '! CU< 1 1 1 ~ Ue J. *L -%t- j h î~iin !8i and .in l h w.iý n2u&hâ,ýd h\ "-jrî-.uc 11rt. i:lmc irerchantî Ill 1 001J- 1u h ~i, r~ na, e ht't ii eI l-it \ttýic c r.u . Fn t u l~n- a Lrr.~ -Saabmîîtt in HericnîIe \fdn andM.N4dr4n Hiîvicîal Sc aî'ts Letters welcome The Canadian Chompm n wlcomes letters ta the eW« ft7 Weoserw thie right ta edit mwse and reject letters. Letters must be signied wth irst and lost nome, and the addrms and the telephorse number of the writer inctuded for vefiIiation puwps- es. Emadlyour letters to kmiceki@miftoncanadianchornpii.com or send b>' mail ta 555 industrialDr., Milton, Ont, L9T 5E 1, or Wcay them ait aur office Our office hours are Monda>' ta Friday from 9 arn. to 4 prn. bru&hatn.oem CM~ad!an 555 Iricfusanai Drive. Milton. OniL L97 5E1 905-78-2341 Aacvo>ising ça*- ý«î5.876-23 .-assi.edo- 90j5-815s-3à300 VP - Graup Publisher NOOvRM f**#OnW GeneW Nba& iii Dvt. Ma. ilhon1 aa.ri Edstcr pmauctbr Mvz oiu. Mu ce L" Sam manae D.U c0k. Tho Canaia Chonpie ç àmM1 w Tumdey «4 ThuoloMm é a dlwu ofm ow~ ie SEMPu L& CCAS Au«ts Speànding billions on transit system big waste of moriey Dear Editor. Until now the decisions and musîngs of lron- ta Mayor Rob Ford haven't directly affeted people outside of Toronto. .Jriforiuniatelv, Mi l'ord has foc used on throw nq billions of taxpayers money at an exten- sion to the bcarborough subway and he's meeting wiîrh both provincial anîd federal poli tscians ta get the money ta help pay for it. l'm an advocate for public transit and the GTA needs t0 do .omethincj now ta prevent hoth present and future gridlock issues, but throw- $nq bilion5 et dollor,, at a project wvhert a f raç teon of the rsiney will solve the same problem makes no sense ta me, It s true that the current rapid transit system neecis to hie 'eplaced, but beiieve the solu- tion is ta proxeed with the original plan ana replace it wit h a riew rapid trariit sy<,ter thai will utîlize the current infrastructure already in place and move people Just as efficiently as a subway 1 believe spendinq billions when we could %pend millions is a colossal waste of money, not just for taxpayers in Toronto, but poten tially for those across the province and ail of Canada. Ail we hear about these days is cutbacks and we re oaying more taxes for iess and less ser- vices. How many more cutbacks wîll happen as money is thrown away ai projects that don't need to haopen, Sa 1 m askinq our federal and provincial repre- sentatives ta stop this scheme before et gets off the ground. if the people of Toronto who eiected Ford want ta spend their awn tax money on this plan let thern do so, but use our hard-eatned dollars on progects that have a soci case for being buift. Andrew Paxton Miton -I b, M"Aue . il f t