eTT- ReglonailIong-termn oere homes enhanoe palliative caoe delivery Mitcmn resiîet Nodtiag Heants recwotty won S50,000 pI.yîing Instant Super Dingo. FtaonqoOWG Playn intnotter gaines faitttuly bas paid off ftw M*ha mes$derut Nedlag Hearni. Tht 58jyear-old trecenrly worn $50,00O in Instant Su- per Binge - for the second time. Heains aise wn the top pize of S5.000 in Instant Super Bungo twe years ago. 5h. regularty plays in- stant $otter ganes but her favounite os die instant Cnoswor&. VWlnninq for the second tien around wias stilI a shock for Hearns. «I had my husband double check my ticket ta onake sure Id really won,' the retirte said ut the Ontario Lottery and Guming Corp. poize centre in Toronto. 'rm very pieu seci Heuins, a married mettief cf twa and grand math. r, plans te inwest saine of her winnings and buy a new car. The winning ticket was purchused at Oerry Conve- nilence on Derry Road in Mississauga. Long-term care facilities acrass Canada will sec omprovements ta, their pallia- tive car. delivery thanks ta a projecr in which two regional homes participai- ed. Tht innovations and tools developed froin the five-year project thai Allen- dlaie in Milton and Creek Way Village in Burlirigion were part of are beong tmplemented frein coasi ta coasi. Halton Regional Chair Gary Cari said the projeci, whîch facused on enhanc- ing palliauive care dehivery, builds on the. Region's commiîmenî te helping enni the loves of seniors in the Halton communîry by providing thein with Tsafre and high quality services"« 'This project was an excellent opportu- nity for our staff ta, omprove pulliative cave, ensure that out resiclenîs con- tinue to receive the highest possible quality of support, and ta advance the field cf palliative cave across the coun- try,» h. said. One of the prîmary goals of the project was ta create a communïty-unverso ty research alliance that wauld develop sustaînable. person-focused palliative cure programns As a resuli, the Quality Palliutive Car. on Long Terin Cave Ali- ance was created and is camprised cf 31 researchers and 50 arqanizational partners who actively cantrîbute their expertise ta the. research project. lead investîgator Mary Lau Kelley who's aIse a professer ai the School of Social Work, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and l-ealth at Lake- head University, said resedents across Canada can now be "better supperîed te die wotti coinfort and dignity* 'Every Canadian deserves access te quality palliative and end-af-life cure, regardless af age or place af resîdencC, sic saod. 'Woth the help cf Halton Regoon, our project cre aîed a framework for palliative cave on long îerm cave and a toolkiî that pro vides 40 resources and innovations ta implement palliatîve cave programs. For more information, vo sot www.pallîa- haies ui~ jt