. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onhine.tollt u 'try or( s* h door hardware lic hfin-.nig of Rtisnd uni atures itends twmalte atour *nd ouit a crow4 Intter snfl a kew targnted upgrades also have the abiity te add tffousmids ofdoLrs tu the resalevaluec So whatmurews delnter thtbwpst bang for the buckW if you msn, expers ny wkh upgadmig thr hardware on afl entry dtoors. you wil gt wo flCCStK rs wthr pm- in tum hnteSCuWV andi gond Iooks Once the extentwr doon arce pnêctrd, you cm tîum v-our aurenuon to dcrappuitanid consasency on the tnedc The chattes ame dcbrîhg. but nunirrous, w du kt digital tcchnotl- rgsv you uri r nr 1&racïduty fini! the tylev. coLour. finish. p4t5 the srany lmesuty u lkbi-t ,talte a lods at theI Drgti(n rîrrtai on the scagewehsuc ýconsumWrschlae çnm),a leadang brtidin " Uft&1 Smc mewneLiir ncds arm nevtr ecdv ahke, the frsî2n Cenîrr =enus hclp the YICWýr to i pnpoun dher ronLtCtVt ô xànlplc. yau may place moire importance on fonctonand secunitji;rter tanm tklsLothers may wanît 4 equally but canm decide the ngtncolour andi finish. Manv houwrs wmnîte knuw ho-,w ato use be:weecn knsts anti lvers and handitesets - andi others univ want to know aboiut the iatesî innovation, like an ectul ainn bui!: inwo the Iock tw 'rthe myle S moicior 411 h t*w ou ail the t hottes - 111<1eveli herer, Khow e ach om iI%11lIook in dîlhrýr nms and on a vaneîty of Joa-r styles For example. do yous want Ic% ciýb on bailwiom Jtkrs, or knubsm? Witt dthachoic ke lodifdaérent ondJoors wtt a gLcs msct tir wth retrserd Panels?' What coor anti <ii uiJ 1te ain tht main hallwav7 % lclcks on the -St> k 'selceitir wilileIiyou t ry on ail the chottes untit! vou etd www nettsanuda ~om