DBudworth 1 - lA NI P 1) 0 864.9242 Acclaim Health is in dire need of volunteers to visit and support area residents facîng Iife-threatening ilinesses. Visits are held in the person's home, anid training/counselling is available for pro spective volunteers. Those interested are asked to call (905) 82 7 8800 of email volu ntee ring àacc lai mheaIt h, ca ta siqn up or for more information. A 604oo nule 0»m on Mmmw SoM MR1g Fnday bloddni ath e te @&d downhg hydro fines and knockingI oui power to area resideçîts. Hom- eowwwldooo mirveys the ftennath hi bs kmon yard lPa C ,G Ig fr. mi* à-b.g Mshu dm - sy )fieS"a CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF lbe massive thundefstorm that hit soutbemn Ontario Friday Ieft a trasi of destruction and pcwef outages ail over Milton. Most severely hit was rural Campbell- .il whefe tiees wefe uprooted and many people were left in the dark. Environment Canada issued tornado wam#tgs for many regions lat. Ffiday. but thefe wcre no confirmed reports of any tomnadoes irn the area. Milton Hydro CEO Frank Lasowski said Milton District Hospital was without hyciro for about an hour on Frlday eve- ning after a massive tree was downed on King Street, knockirig out power lin-e While hydro crews scrarnbled to keep Up with the numerous calis of power muages, they were deait anothef blow with the failure of an underground cable systern that serves a pocket of Campbelliihe residents. M If -"o n»m ur qw -"m noi 4Pg & ~ LMiW h Dounaq iSoâ,t wwmw-byc-mfco M4 Ma U, E«a4 Milon UN 905.878.4280 1 ~(Aewmiun r ul euw .Stlmvi