USentrecel mal prdilo tanks b eceM DyJugeaLe CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Krlstmn Hancher was ibis te participaIs i ber Grade 8 graduation fror a itospital b.d Ilianirs ta Ucitioog and lte strong wiUi cfj a teacher. The 14yWu-l wtw wus diègnosed wftb1 sco6xois in Marct, was able to watli the i <mr crmony ar lgr »et suit Râat: Scitoo via FaceTi» on lier lPad wMgl sit4 sat i ber itospitil b.d recovenng ftrn major sgfy tomfliNmnNfspiNW. Her tobeont wte%r Sasi Fj*nsr, seti up so tt Llteuf ter couic hand Ner rte Awurd cf Enclmnce in AmUane as her rn was announce dwigq the procession. Kittn a gynvest and a corripetirNe dancer, nid site ieS tucky ta, hmave ud a tbought- fui carin and uipponN itert dwn tse moW chaffmn moents i ber f. WSes Me mr second mmf ds t1* te CJloesvu. *Site woul vÊt mi the itospiral and ds wouid cern for niebte I was br own chil Mihen titee nas a beige knrot in my lait site would brush a ote Ste st!even Rdmner'skulywe.t t e md beywuct to itelp ber be a part cf everydsing, voi Ftdme<s busband usig lis êPhor ti lte front row bo conrect Kiisten ta lte cor- tf1ofl nd Net friend. Msers motter, Short Hancher, added that: witts truy reiabis about Fumrer is ta SW eNveSbyher WOrdS - bere aSeWpel- ple wtodo. *Site stated rigbt from te beginning cf te scitool >mr rta site is e mom firs Nd a reader second. site sid notiing that Fumier bas b.en especialy b*fut over te hast few KOmott Fubwu bas offée, saing words af encour- agent Uek lier a4ahr cmes ta terns wtt the pMoiêy ta ste wonN b. able ta, dance compedtlvel because cf lier iprie condio and titi mflor surgery ste under- sMud Hanchter. Puhne tus rte mestermld b.ithid tite pro- -m retein mitre the encoaged Kflstsn ta dmss up and enpoy mone dancing with ber bilèonds beoe itti s.wgry. Site als mode an arrangmnt wtith counsettors at KrlstmnIs Sfh scitool in Soptember ta ensure site titan ai te sani classas as lie best friend so stel have sameone close by ta pravide asstn, Me canyig ber tops nd bring- ig itonemork ta, fer sitouhd site maiss chuss. 'Wltau the support cf Mn. Fumner and ber friend%, I dan't dNn ste would te i lte stars bcwl rm major surgery, rager Jeet Sangi Puthc Scbacl graduate Knsten Hancher poses midi ber teachei Serait Fubvier mitile stowng te Award af Excellence in Art/Drame site rocelved et ber Grade 8 graduation. ste is midi a positive mindseC ste said. *Site (Fumer> was instrumental ln ttiat' Kristen added Fulmner would do dis for any one of ber students, miticit speaks volmes about ber genuine chàactr. -Sht's an ahlaround wanderful porion and site would always tace anycrie wito lied trou- bis under iter wtng mnd help rbemn through lite site sutd *'ý rslty going ta miss ber rien year but Vm definitely going te visît herC Fulmer tld the Champion Friday ltotre isnî " mnytblng site wouldrt't do for ber students. 'W Prom maklng cils ta remnoviwg a rougb knotj lice lte one Kulîten had ini ber hair after sit- P tn I the hospital bed for several days. she sééd site belleves iî's part of ber roIe. 1hove my job andl1 love teachingh* he said, adding tat stWs fiattered by tbe HancherÇ fem4Iy% klnd words."l have a really good con- nicthon w1th my klds at school. Site noted vwhut motivared ber te reach out and Iidp Kuisteri and ber famlly is ber mile asI 'l bave a daughter toc and I believe very... sliongly that my job ibnît juil tu educate (thte kidi) witit the curriculumn, she saîd. 'Parents trust me with their kidu and I feel strongly titey need ta know they are Ioved and that I cerce r them I Fulmer said she aise had the belp o! alto! Krms- ten's peers as weil as the school's administra- è thon in orchestratir.g the graduation plan. 3 Lin said it was ail woath it ta sec Kristcn a part cf sucit a milsions day like ones Grade 8 graduation. Juia Le con be reoched or i/e@milronconad- onctampion.ccmn or on Twwrrer @JutaMilron- News. -11111 flnel e.0 Get your coupon at (while supplies (ast) Ci 4W i 4Iaaeeneês On Saturday, JuIy 2Oth we are asking C the people of Milton to spend $20 localiy MHlton 18 a growing and vibrant communlty. The small and indep.ndently owned busineslses are the mainstay of our town. The Milton Canadien Champion Is proud to paftner wlth many locally owned business. Startlng in July we are introducing a new way for consumers to spend their money where, it matters mont: Close te homo. fh Thu omrsde nespaper Lheook fo oepetail in Dltn r m i lêsnn' il- inf, O ,DINd ýllllllWlll