Hamett says thank you to Milton for 6 stepping Up to the plate' I Snow under constructin at Tremaine Road and Louis St, Laurent Avenue - in the greater Golden Horseshoe IThank you. Milton, for steppïng up to the plate to malce that happen, he said to a crowd of about 100 at Town Hall, his enthusiasm clearly evdent. *Miton is goinq to be the épicentre for suc cess in trie worid of track cycling. Congratulations.* Offering credit for the Town's support of the velodrome, IHarnett couldn't help tease Mayor Gord Krantz, suqqest- i ng he may be a medal favourite for the masters divisio for the 3,000m individual pursuit. t3 »If you don't know what that (ondividual pursuit) is, you Iscion wIlll. assured thie former Olympian. E Wednesday night's countdown held a distint air of oecimetwthtkofhwruhy00eteevly cý clists will be vying for more than a dozen medals over ttwo w'eeks in 201 5 EAmonq those contenders wil likely be 2012 Paralympi- San and 2011 Parapan Arn silver medaisi Shelley Gautier, £who oftered an inspiring address about her experiences Son the world racing stage, »I was able to show how disabled sports are important,« said the physuo-therapist, joined on the podium by Que- bec native and former Olympic triathiete isabelle Tur- cotte Baird <sec related story on page 12), who moved to rural Miltoni two years ago and added to the nights bi- langjuallsm by speakinq in her native French."l'il be home for the next Games, so thats kind of special. 1 promise to do my best for me, my country and my farnily' Helpiq mark the two-year countdown was thie rais- ing of Pan Arn/Parapan Arn flag arnd thie unveiling of a cycling-themned Milton Pan Arn mural hand-painted by renowned sports artist David Arrigo. Young Milton Talent Contest winner Gavin McLeod kocked things off by singing 0 Canada, and helped Krantz read a proclamation about the Games - complete with an amusing'Mere ye, here ye* introduction. Kraritz credited Harnett for his guidance and expertise during thie Initial stages of thie veloidrorne pro)ect, which rie believes wll *put Milton on thie cycling map* Added T0201 5 Chair Roger Garland, »Let's celebrate, be - cause theres a lot to celebrate. lts time to, get excited... trie Gamnes are coming'" Above. frOM ef t, T0201 5 Chair ROger Gadandî Oavile MW? KeMi FIyn Italton kw Lisa Ra-itt arbd Mayor Gord Krantz unveil Mutoes Pan~ Am/arwapan Arn Games mural. Below. frmer Olympien Curt Hamett Ieads <cgntanies and mnter ci the public on a circt ride around Town Hall. For more photos of thie event vesit insidehatton.corn. m ~ Meanwhile, "aton MP Lisa Raitt touched on how thie velxoom - which akfng wlth a 2SUsTîetre ovat cy- cling track and 1,5S0 permanent seatu will be an ail- purpose futness facility - will be a viable sports desti- nation long after thie Gamnes. Thie celebration included a number of cycling and sport s-related vendors at Victoria Park, as well as a kWv musical performance by the Retrievers. A couple dozen Miltonias - including a few un tri- cycles being closely followed by their mom, or dad joined Harneti on thie circuit ride. Steve LeBlonc con be reactied or sic bonc@miftoncoro- dinchompioncom or on Twinr @MtitanOnSpwrts.