FarnIy Urne... 1toro paste cornes from tonnatoes.. Chtchat over dinner, touchirug base with those you Fo, catchung up on ail thats happeied tlwoughout th ay - ail over a lieafly miel. Connection over a good miel hs what has made fine 8dining an art. SHealthy communication and nutritious meals ame aso nainstayt of family flfe, good tiealtli and the stuff ttat Shelp chidren grow strong in every way. 3Ldst Thursdays edition of the Champ.on featured the Slaunch of the new HealthyFam column penned by ro OakvilIc restaurateur Julia Hanna (also posted at insi- ýb dehaltoncomri. The monthly column features a recipe Ji from Hanna, and readers can look to upcoming con- tests, too. Durinq thl% %urnr %pason whfen hWpdç arjp abondant with produce arnd peuple get back to their family through turne spmnt together. the value of heartfrlt conversation afound the dinner table - and ail that cornes with il - is in the spotlight. The new column works in tandem with Hannas own efforts to reconnect CanadIes with good food andi family --a principle this newspaper wholeheartedly Supports. Hanna has a vision.. the best of the pas! taken into the future. ln ut, Canadien familles once again crowd arourid the dinner table, enjoying delicious, healthy food together while discussinq the day's events. The table is full of steaming bowls of food. salads andi fresh-baked b-read jus! like nonna useti to malte. Family members scoop food onto their plate as they talk - a scene Hanna belimeves was lost sorewhere in our society's evolution as quality foodi and turne honoured traditions were traded for conveniience. ln fact, Hanna thunks there's a crisis in North America on this point lndeed, family members could benefit from sbowing clown, connecting with one another and releamng the joy of eatnqg. Ihat makes a whole lot of sense... enjoy the column. 555 kndasoW Ofie, &0n.Ont L9T 5El Suppoiting HatonË youth Oriana 8awmi' <nght). commnicatoi ort dna for R.cl Out Centre fir Içidi. ac- cepts a cheque for $20000 from (<rom left> Don Snmat Janet Lucas. Rob Greein, Jennifér Greenwood, Warren M41% and Gary Winch (founder) of Wmog Grown hic. Smefit Consul- tants. lbe fonds came <ram donelted empkoye, commissions as weï as coiporate dora- tuons, in conjunctuori wl ti the companyls upcorning September 17 gaW toumaYient a Piperls Heathi Golf Course i Mitoni. roxl attxmdco e e eb.W ee Isuoemîssedmyfa~oudte#îin~todoîntown Karen Miceil MANAGIt4G EDITOR 1 haven't been out and about much in Milton for a while. 1 spent most of the spring. eight weecs to be exact et home recovering <rom major su rgery. 1 did manage atter a doctor's eppointment in June to dmop by Springridge Farrn on the day of uts frstof-the-season strawberry crop. 1 certainty wasn't up for strawberry puck- ing but was pleased to b. taking home a basket of ready- p.cked beri'res. So l've been back to normal activities foi alrnost three weeks now, busy catching up on mny favourite things to dJu ait lc)wru Beside going to Spn7irdge Farm, 1 love to: " Stl around the Mi#i Pond " Dune eit a restaurant in historic dlowntown " Walk the indoor track ait the Milton Sports Centre " Shop and grab e bite et Miltoni Mail " Go Up the ski lift eit Kelso Conservation Area (b>ut 1 wuil have tu watt until the. fait). It feels good to be getting moving again. By the. way, thanit you tu Milton District Hosptal for the great care. Karen Mkceti tarn be reached or kiehmilronconodkm- champion.corn. -drsi far 9047&>2ffl cb~ 9O0"75-3300 Ckc'4mdm: 90587&5947 VI? - GMa4 PubMhJw inO11Nd"G liai m~q Nomtem i. or* A*UnmUp wa m Cbinm .-e C111111111111 cUaw MI O"* PM ib cmumn. mvvb My of mmem aéTga w w U - W *&rts r- arem on il ,iSâ nM wKroSe"D pl- 1V- % m ~oa~ -~ El" cai - -~ h~ - -w d - j %B g111MI11 iLL---! - M àà 0 - ixal .1950etffluanm