MFC deikes aofn4ndng win over Inerp Dehncmn U"aaj» to bepdeup by çamlin CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF - -q plyd th aniety4ied witing gins two yefm whtr duig tic M& Pior- *ry Sulection. Tleir Gant>' wu determincd te -ee hWnu* terSue a- MNf NHL. muf riftt -k Swidw. And thc t&ar-cdd Miltonha stayed fini t *'tpm- W48 mord>'. i ieay ave>' fren tht drft mast of the night psdo**y chscki n h oe and tien. I -a sfttn on the oençefter but moiti> lis- Muslngwnusk and p4W4ng gre the Smit Ste Mae Qeybooeds defuncenuan, toi the CAmupSon kft Sunda>' néght slndy * terbkatasnhé bskth round - 1lSMt umg- b' the Caira ltrkeL 1*X hUwnfrst M&. drafrnee sUie 2009.'Onua f dwuttW f susistud my> urge te watcb the dralit prelty> wdll, and kupt oCCLÇÈd se liai tic tic noild pais b>' bnteC Whstwer üM straction mnade for a more catit evmnig nifiul d w* sw. But what was abundandly cda was Gany~s cuphoria w*len fauber John came in (rm the backyard te imio*ncc his N*4L draftee s- hM disteie I chck the TSN wsbsite nd saw my naine wfth Curolina drafting me. ht (sels sunual bslngi drafted by an NL. teanC' recded Tyller. wbo wus taira 10 places 4l tghe m thmbi fina draft runui (iMili angff Noeth Amedrai skacn) tisSI Pauiexj fTW wouloed my entre- tif for this momnt nd my fmily g nd I are bsyond scstatic: that kt î ta such a geax organhzatio&'- On. af thret Gicyhourids sciectcd in ibis ystrs draft Milton's six4foavtwo-inch. 195-pound bluelnercaleed 17 assîsts and fltse Ma plus-I aver 62 garnes as an QI-L olde dhis past season. Mor notabày, Ne was forced itt heavy man- iâts eafly in the Yeur wbie anchors Colin Mdteir and Rya Spreul were sidellinecl for ntndled period. Rîisingi te the iimpromp- tu chialleng, he belpsd the shoot-staffcd Sea ln orti goal in the lait tiret gaix nictsAM neimintdr Lui% Rodriguoz ami et- llftsd MFC te 2-0-4 and into thi! el-l4altan Sccer Leagues Premier DiN keep its head above watcr and evcntually maie the playofis for the firsi timne in three years. Thc Greyhounds ccnaînîy haven't forgot- ten duat early-season contribution, living named Gmnly ont of their altemnate captains lait wcek. 'As a rookis. Tylers great development came show thera wbat l've donc te get te where I arn now,* he said. 'l realize that from bemng drafted wo Carolîna, I have a ways te go if I want to make it into the NHL. But r'm wîllîng te do whatcvcr it takes te make il?« 0f the (ave Mîltora-area players taken in the NHL draft in the paît decade, four have been defencerren. Another 0141er wîth local connections. Georgetown left winger Jason Dîckîinson of the Guelph Stormn -- who trains at Multons Rctbok FîrePower CrossFît and i5 a graduate of the Hiton Hurricanes - was a firît-round pick <29th overal>) by the Dallas Stars. Sreve Le8lanc can be reached of sleblanc@ mifroncanadîanchampion or on Twitter @Mil- tonon5ports. Tesun so" e dusse & <or k" 18 Smts te 7 yen od. ttt t1 t t>: Now taking registrations for Tuesday afternoon classes. Linaked space avuale in our Saturday morning dLus. www.littlekickers. ca eer mCJean if 1 CelebratbngOur 4th Annîversary! RE-ONDflWui-Cvctt, A RE4SE: e A Otdr mdmlYTeiuo & Uns* gu Furniture i9015-631-REDO (7336)* wwiw.paintitiikenc-w.coni It #IA-lZS4 Plains Road E., Burlington Moeidm - Sat.w lOum - Çpa ý -tiz --- -------. ----------- v W Lag~~Ebr to avcld anoihe duaw MiIItown PC sM"c umly bis tue-li &id k@ hei pour. on the. untirs oening eni route and young h wo a 3-0 fmoucf Oakvile Smnfay *t Mon Community tic dean-she Put (MP> plae in the P Tedeosive win -whkb saw Max Hsthawmy newch *n. 'Ikdus'flgnsntlim MtBGIIyI NHLIuf olto moveiîntothirdW SMFC mounted a 2-0 lead in the firit 30 minutes, thmnki ,n ta a rnbound tally by Foti Tsafaridis and a big flnîshsng rd îlot home from Ernesto Raurel. 4- rom there, Hathaway conîinued his red-lio streak .. in the 60rh minute, essentially sealing the deii byMrN through wlth a positive attitude and commi- ment to puning in the necessary work tor ge better cvery day, whîch earned hîm the con-e fidence of tht coach staff and respect of bisJ teammates, head coach Sheldon Keefe told- the Soo Toay. Despite a standout tenure witti the MAA To- ronto Jr. Canadiens, Ganly wasn't taken until. the fdfth round of the 2011 QI-L draft and needcd two tries wo crack thic veteran-laden co Soo bluetîne - whîch no doub: makes bting 0 taken by Carolina ail the more gratifying.S Tyler Ganly wa Wiîh added motivation from the more than a draht and a letter now on hos Grey- little excitcd te hounds jersey, Multons newcst NHL be drafted by the draffet is eager te gsi back up norla Carolina Nurie and hclp out the Soo's încomîng de Sos onhyof fencemen. .hnuleaI fnl 1 can hclp thc younqcr guys Mhequhy more se (lien others because 1 can