HeaI% IIDïbe ooliiwu ofeanii eyIma-b" MEIROLAMO WEST MEDIA GROUP AMa Manne lies a vision. In that vision. Canadie familles are once agah cmowding around the diner table. ern- -oiç dSUdOUà% -elh frai -oew vole &cnnthe daW4 vn The tabklavlMngly*dap.d inaà crisp dkthis coveed wlth flmlngbot airavioli.gresi sad" ani basIkets of fresh-balcead spt 1 Nie nanal wied vo mUlie. oomuyoeuodmpks as tIk ton cm anocte woes the tabl. The convsan' ctme gm headi but is ~èy Iayernd aiM i Havis flwes sonahuse i «w sodutyt uudkaon ne kat aur wl tan it cris to eatng - and -af - .ed Qualty tiod aidtimen oumdtvaiOoos wevdd fori oewnNne and Wirea'g m n«es Shafflg e nwal with fri w&mpced wtth grtting a grmeew-tôned bag oi food on the 'fluoe aaciqisiNonh Amiawhen it cwm to ai *uo& sà_WgC limona, a S&6-o-ad chef ad e st»mg lrb. pi.ln is wSeeornen Met te kiech- en but ncbo4y vaS ba 1W the sl wth a sinl sittinIaé bot. athia, hernatawamnt i deomý»- in O*avUt V "5 ao s RlWvnoý an tSsvsuarrwnt t ~Dn Sflt and Tw tnwtene ft and -iose foot have becore a imp. i «r &eK sheni 'Mtd cd comme route, hamtU longiers t tacS of OW hmi corn kme - and ckwa *w wmnatody caidp.anlne Irn an *ou te mdsow a thyM vSiont- Noem k4. MMthew Aia. JS and Alec gosie ini dme Ma fanl kithen b en"o e peadi crlsp freth oie ate Ovn. M ahn*utanhvhensa .W sNip wltti fra and revre the tientI af et- ig for convenlmence sUt, Hanie introduc- big a new iitistive Heettavt sctieduled ta hindi ts Seruembmr. frfrShFem i actuey the expansion af an caier program the estabkisted oUled Kit Cukwnéy Comrunhy (MC). a hue. three-ses- sîon iood-and-coSding education progran dkie Tur -Wi 't wu imple bogicWe thought lor's go to the wry begnninq iet's gev chilen before tey devstop thon habits Lets gine teun as lait te knowhedge base ta wark wfttVs said Manne ofithetphlosphy bet"ndCC- Skie ît vas fowidod In 2009, CC lias lied mm tita 5 purfdpaffl go thaugl the prograin and greduee. Manne saUd she no- ticS the eduit mentors tao accampmanied te yaung chefs weie aiso soaking up the information et the sessions. WNe became keenty aware that they, loo , ý didn't have those skIlls and rhey were hungry 0 for it,«she sai w 'Then I started looing aI seniors who live E alone. They are often isolatee« she said. IfF yotu really belleve in the pMiosophy titat food bflngs -epl toghther; someone whoQ lines alone and is etdery, they're flot cooling for themselve0! P4ow. along with KCC, teHealthyFam po grain wilI also consst of Seniors Cutînary Community as welI as Family Culinary Coin- munity.I »Wre tak.ng lessons leamned ftrn KCC and appiying thein ta the whole femily and se-- niais. said Manna.I like KCC. MealthyFam programs will include thîc sessions of instruction and wll b. tIMd in the Longes.Lofts - nit fully equipped educational kitchens located in Longdls gro- cery stores - across the GTA, as welI as inD off-site locations. S In short, Healthyfem is a non-profit organize- lion thet teeches people the velue o? c.ting riglit. steying fit and connecting wîth each other on a regular besis ta build a strong famuly faundeelon. Sponsors who make NeaithyFain possible include Wongos, Tir#son Manegeen Birkdale Place offers, sale and coinfortable short term stay at very affordable rates. Cali Peter Today at 9705-636-63100 Corne Celebrate Lafe With Us! Birkdale Pi