'-4e"Oinion lhanksfo parteductionl, pnertinlng and ccrtainly isiig Nomaftr treespece figts ubd 35 yeus of sfrvice, na- te iv Mgonon idbeloid as»rout Chris Hadfm.d has an- noucedW mrre frcw the Canadian Space Aqency The 3-y -oWdd sMondey aftwrnoon.just after meeting wft Nlw M smStephen Harper LMngin ouocimT~em since his days as a fighter pulot in the 19MHadFW sad hehad prorn.sed his wvife that they would movehackto Cnadaone day, and thats wthat h. plans to do afte MiNngouthistne with thie CSA nextinmonth. It'shar toimainewhat cise l4adfieidl could hav'e accomn- plishd duing im ire wlth the CSA -~ a tenure culminat- inqwit hi reentftve-mnonth stay aboard the International Spae Satin OS),where he was the fwst-evwr Canadian 10 tae comnmand. Embracing social mnedia to bring space Io Earth - and amnass- ing one million-plus Twitter followers in the process ~- he was only too wlIing ta dazzie us with thousands of spectactar photos and dozens of videos from the ISS. But his most memorable moments were during live links wath studerîts in Milton and across Canada. Never talking down to his youjng admirers but flot bing overly technical eihe, H-adfield made space more thmn a littie appcsling for the nexi generation. And how cool was il to hear a Milton native play those iconkc lyric - Ground Control To Major Tom'-- whlc actually aboard the ISS. Hadfield says ho now« wmnts to, pursue other challenges but truly doesVt know W$w bel b. dolng in the next five years. One ttulng wre potty sure about Il that whatever Ne takes ono, the weï-travebld astronaut wlN do his hometown - and Canada as a whole - proud. Tomf Canadian fiags D.w fflot: Whtle drMvng along Main Street (between &Ont@ Street and Nwy, 25) recently, 1 was shocked t0 see numnerous Canedian glag ban- ners in shreds. Some hed a few pocces of tattered flag lef i n theor (rame, others only had the. outside sec, tion of the flags left. 1 also saw pieces of tlags in branches of trees. 1 arn noi speakurng of one or two. I am speakinq .14L6- A 555 kxa& Or» ~o, On LOIT S1 VI? GrOWi PUMW- be0OM Imqot OM~M cwth wume 0 e mAvàrMapma i&7 Helpîng hospital Milton District Hospital Foundationls Hlen Vatistas (second frorn lefl accupt a cheque for $1 5,764 from Mary Lui (left) and Louis liiiai f te t'lltoni Rieon Chi- nese Canadien Association andi fluresa Tan (rlght) of the Màmo Chiumse Associe- ton- Proc..d wm raiçed from the sae of toft bags and two hznukatswog galas. along Main Street wre a disgoefuI sight of numnerous flags. Il wus a common scene ail allowing our %¶as 10 b. in such a disgusting along Main Street. state Men and women have shed tbc$ bbood Based on the poor condtltion of the flags, they and given their lives for otar Canadien fia%. semr to have been in dedine for sorne time I 1 would Mite to sec ail these Regs replaced fim- would guess. medwelcy. Such disrespect of our countrys fiag was very 1 would also lîke to, sec someorie be hetd ac- upsetting to me and should be upsetting to countable for how this wes allowed to hap- others. In this town we proudly respect ouf pen. war veterans by namnn streets in theor hon- Patikr Mckso<i our. and yet we ditrespect their memory by Pion oAu 0=. eg& cL - M,-- TfNU 1~~~ C 'dé e