Cam! -.luw C- 1B11I 16 for Mo Milton% velodrme contuction twill off.- caaIy break ground et Tremuine Aoad and Louis St. lainnt Avenue tomorraw after- Imon. Local dgnthfles govemment oflý idais and Tornto 2015 Pan Am/Parapmn Amn IGamesrmersneatfvewllbe on handlto mnark the occasion ai 2 pmn ~The 154,000 -squae-foo facliity wiUi taure a 50-macf tinter boack wlth two, 42-de- ~gree angle bmnks for cyclst Its targeted conipleton date hs Septemnber. I2014. te wINl bous cycllng ovents for the To- ronto 2015 Pan/Parapar. American Cames. TMt Midto péns C*fflQ ktý4of0f e5SwwCMe Nigh t sinon - Uflï 201h - Sunday nt the GO station pautni lot Rumn m il Septer I on Sun*àeew,eni Uw*te a custom car ment iclds a Wi and a Swso draw. ft serves as a fundraiser fr the Miton District Hospital Faim- fana i d0pmâa Cbymh pmot.cts. CaUse ngMgoer mudedf hmn and bbmnkat to keep wum against th e blustery and sornewbat chNly 9 dugmeCehâta vmteçnd -m hoin for nwy wuathe as the swrnowr draws near. Hme, Miltonlim Wayne Keir polêsties the front grila! bis 1937 £a Fofi *u-kxb cupebWb te irs Ye h% hd he esore vrsincf the car ai th. shw. S.. more p otofo the event on 10. whe fougNt alongside comrades dur- I teSecond Wrid Wau Be&ý1 W niSHeés scheduie to attend the 101h annime- ... for 10"'r annÎwisv sans ceerations of the Juno Beach Centre 3 N Iwr nNormnand», France today on the annivor- ê-*.n...3 Sra afMI M09 -OIh m I. CANADIANÎ CHAMPION STAFF Thoclos rinaffwl r lkiIIkew be n kis minda ' n ___- ut- Hugh les>' colfrct Ns thoughts betor. turing he M el>' couid have been kitIed tint Urnmes Swing Ns four years at ni. TMt wuék, the 94-ymr-old Milton veteran h. joins with huge crowds to mnark the an- niversary Beaty recounted Nis near-death experlences lms metk bufore Ieavng on Ns memorable voyag.e