Haibri Nealthcre SevMe taunches Hakon Meakthcare Services OMS<) has nevanpecd in websi te wwwJttift- flw r.dsr n isrme t, b.ee wur-ftierdi «bdw pmov.d. a mi accessible and uef~ ui or&wsmen ene for paets staff and tsitort WOu rvunped wetsfte rtroes du dlynamnic gmowth üiht is taking -.K at out three HiospitasK sud MilS Presîdiert and CE) John Okvnt lUs been sofut reai wôc ma site wus upda4 SUite tlwn saine nbew e- cnting technologies have corne alcng fluat we wantd to bing te oui cain- Tlht wbstc, wh is aise moble frk4ndy, as bain9 deicrib.d by KilS as fteshand cl.ari It fritures a culendar of relevant eeu tht abity te sugo-up fer menty e-rwwsleetens u" acces to i*Ws socl media pages, whkch in- dud. Twkwtr and Facebo&l Users aio have accen ta the Gowogle translation tcel which translates any HTML text on the websète in63 a- IMS effidaIs d ieme are on Uffftatiors ta thetotl which are expik1don oneof the fllSnb- Tit website bas te fiexbihey wo «i- -an .asy wqm frnnres Me a. tmg a bISf c.*wn, p aisen orts RUS frets. *" tours U onlIWMflvx scheduahd to be add.d omL h aIse piys an loyegal vole as the pulic face cf Mditcn' titres caou- ntty hospinis in Moln, O*vU mand Georgetown and cifie hedtte hdli6t -%U inch la» dhe louxdaio for ongo.ng evolutioand euxpansion of te latten Mealitcare Services web- site with oiew ritre aud irnproe#e- mnti be n mde coniunafy said Oliver 'W. lock forward te fredbcl heom Our usai and exckoing niew de- velopients ta coe -O L$ 1994 [.r.$1,9934