MOU 5- MJIM Met Shops across Canada and rlght here at home, fired-up their bartecue grills with franchises and volunteefs donnWig aproris to filp bufgers and tum hot dogs to raise fuinds for the Crohn's arid CoNtis Founda- tion off Canada. This was the 25th annual Charity 690 more than m2.3rillion for nwka esart.h int finding a cure foi lnfiammatosy Bowed Disease (18D). wNch has 'one off the highest reported number of cases right here ti Canada. Here, local franchisee Scott Schlotzhauer serves up a double patty burger hot off £ the grill, as retired Mifton Fire Chief lHarold Penson stands by reedywithfre etin- guMser if things get too hot. ci- ffeft M uw Autobahn for AU